Copyright 2001 by Brandon Cope


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Corporate Sedan, TL8

Designed to look as much like the family sedan as possible so as not to stand out, this variant is used by megacorps to tranport important low- to mid-level employees or run cargo minor errands. Normally, the vehicle carries a driver, security officer and 1-2 other employees. In some jurisdictions, they are armed with a minor 'tail-chaser' weapon (usually a concealed 7mmC machine gun) to discourage pursuit.

Subassemblies: body +3, four wheels +1
P&P: 100 kW ceramic w/ wheeled drivetrain, one rD-cell
Fuel: 20 gallons diesel (fire chance: 7) in one 20 gallon self-sealing tank, 6.67 hours fuel
Occ: 1 NCS, 3 NS
Cargo: 15 cf
Armor All
Body (exterior) 4/25
Body (open frame) 4/30
Wheels 4/15
none normally (2 cf reserved for concealed rear-facing weapon and ammo)

Body: medium range recieve-only radio, LLTV (2 miles, Scan 13), 4x ground-search no-targeting radar (Range 0.1 miles, Scan 3), IFF *2, one small computer, one terminal (security officer), 4-man NBC kit, sound system, civilian GPS, compact fire suppression system, high-security alarm system, 4 crash webs, 2 dischargers (blackout gas), smokescreen

Size: 6'x5'x12' Payload: approx. 820 lbs Lwt:  4674 lbs (2.34 tons)
Volume: 187 cf (Size Mod: +3) Maint.: 66 hours Price: $90,900
HT: 12
HP: 276 [body], 15 [each wheel]
gSpeed: 118 gAccel: 7 gDecel: 20 gMR: 1.75 gSR: 5 GP: high (1/6)
Design Notes
Frame is medium for 170 cf body and 17 cf wheels. Vehicle is sealed and has an improved suspension, smartwheels, improved brakes, psi-shielding, liquid crystal surface, electrified surface, psi shielding all-wheel steering and puncture-resistant tires. Armor is expensive metal.