Copyright 2000, 2001 by Brandon Cope


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Family Sedan, TL8

This is fairly typical of mid-sized family-oriented cars. It can carry plenty of people and cargo for vacations or business trips (or mob hits, or bank robberies, or ...). It has the latest in safety and handling equipment; what it lacks are normally offered as optional. The two rear seats are connected, allowing up to four people (barely) to fit in the back. Standard sockets are provided next to each of the three passenger seats for plugging in laptop computers (using power from the rD-cell).

Subassemblies: body +3, four wheels +1
P&P: 50 kW ceramic w/ wheeled drivetrain, one rD-cell
Fuel: 10 gallons diesel (fire chance: 7) in one 10 gallon self-sealing tank, 6.67 hours fuel
Occ: 1 NCS, 3 NS
Cargo: 25 cf
Armor All
Body (exterior) 1/3
Body (open frame) 4/30
Wheels 2/5

Body: medium range recieve-only radio, LLTV (1 miles, Scan 11), 4x ground-search no-targeting radar (Range 0.1 miles, Scan 3), transponder, one small computer, one terminal (driver), six-man environmental controls, sound system, civilian GPS, compact fire suppression system, alarm system, 4 crash webs

Size: 6'x5'x12' Payload: approx. 960 lbs Lwt:  3112 lbs (1.56 tons)
Volume: 187 cf (Size Mod: +3) Maint.: 136 hours Price: $21,750

HT: 12
HP: 138 [body], 8 [each wheel]
gSpeed: 102 gAccel: 6 gDecel: 20 gMR: 1.5 gSR: 5 GP: moderate (1/4)

Design Notes
Frame is cheap, light for 170 cf body and 17 cf wheels. Vehicle has an improved suspension, smartwheels, improved brakes, and puncture-resistant tires. Armor is expensive metal.