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Here are civilian occultists for four Axis powers of WWII (Finland is considerd an Axis power for the purposes of this collection). Most of them can be shifted to other nations or earlier times with little change. Some of these characters are also suitable for use as military occultists; see p.W:WW48.

Joe the German Occultist

Setting: WWII, Cliffhangers

ST: 9 [-10]; DX: 10 [0]; IQ: 13 [30]; HT: 10 [0]

Advantages: Magery 1 [15]

Disadvantages: Delusion (Would make a great detective) [-5]; Intolerance [-10]; Lame (Crippled leg) [-15]; Loner [-5]; Workaholic [-5]
Skills: Criminology-14 [4]; Guns (Pistol)-12 [1]; History (Germany)-16/10 [1]; Literature (Crime novels)-16/10 [1]; Occultism-14 [4]; Research-12 [1]; Runic Lore (Armanic)-12 [4]; Writing-14 [4]

Armanic Runes: BAR-12 [4]; HAGAL-12 [4]; TYR-12 [4]

Languages: German-13 [0]; Old High German-12 [1]; English-12 [1]; French-12 [1]

Notes: This NPC is interested in the occult for the sake of it and has little interest in Nazi ideaology (depending on the campaign, he might be a willing tool or a helpless pawn of the Ahnenerbe-SS). The Armenic Runes are described on p.W:WW51-52 (if that book is unavailable, the GM could subsitute "regular" runes from Magic or Vikings).

Joe the Japanese Occultist

Setting: WWII, Cliffhangers

ST: 10 [0]; DX: 9 [-10]; IQ: 14 [45]; HT: 10 [0]

Advantages: Ritual Aptitude 5 [5]

Disadvantages: Callous [-6]; One Arm [-20]; One Eye [-15]

Skills: Area Knowledge (Japan)-14 [1]; Area Knowledge (China)-14 [1]; First Aid-14 [1]; Hiking-10 [2]; History (Japan)-17/11 [1]; Occultism-15 [4]; Public Speaking-13 [1]; Ritual Magic (Buddhism)-12 [2]; Symbol Drawing (Buddhism)-12 [2]; Theology (Buddhism)-12 [1]; Writing-13 [1]

Ritual Paths: Healing-12 [2]; Nature-12 [2]; Spirit-12 [2]

Languages: Japanese-14 [0]; Chinese (Mandarin)-13 [1]; Korean-13 [1]

Notes: Even the closest associates of this NPC aren't sure of his past. All that is really know is that he suffered some serious accident as a teen that cost him an eye and arm, then spent over a decade wandering across Japan and China on foot. Note that despite his skills he is not a recognized priest.

Joe the Italian Occultist
: WWII, Cliffhangers

ST: 10 [0]; DX: 9 [-10]; IQ: 13 [30]; HT: 11 [10]

Advantages: Common Sense [10]

Disadvantages: Fanatacism (Facism) [-15]; Laziness [-10]; Poverty (Struggling) [-10]

Skills: Area Knowledge (Greece)-14 [2]; Anthropology-12 [2]; Archaeology-13 [4]; Guns (Rifle)-11 [1]; History (Ancient Greece)-18/12 [2]; Occultism-13 [2]; Public Speaking-12 [1]; Research-12 [1]; Ritual Magic (Greek)-10 [1]; Writing-13 [2]

Languages: Italian-13 [0]; English-12 [1]; Greek-12 [1]

Notes: This NPC represents an archaeologist who is an expert on ancient Greece and has some knowledge of the "hidden truth". He has not had much public success, but is content with that as long as Italy profits from his work.

Jane the Finnish Occultist
: WWII, Cliffhangers

ST: 8 [-15]; DX: 10 [0]; IQ: 14 [45]; HT: 10 [0]

Advantages: Versatile [5]

Disadvantages: Poverty (Struggling) [-10]; Sense of Duty (Finland) [-10]; Skinny [-5]; Shyness [-5]

Skills: Alchemy-12 [2]; Area Knowledge (Finland)-15 [4]; Bicycle-10 [1]; Guns (Rifle)-12 [1]; Naturalist-14 [4]; Occultism-15 [4]; Research-13 [1]; Skiing (Overland)-8 [1]; Writing-13 [1]

Languages: Finnish-14 [0]; Russian-13 [1]

Notes: This somewhat reclusive NPC spends most of her time wandering the countryside. Most of the folklore she has picked up has not been from interviews, but from  sitting quietly in the background and listening to storytellers recite legends.