All characters copyright 2008 by Brandon Cope

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This week's set of characters are intended for a rather depressing one-shot adventure, although they could be broken up and used ivdividually starting earlier in 1945. With minor changes for the most part, these characters could be used in other war zones from the early 20th century onwards.

Joe the Volkssturmmann
Setting: WWII

ST: 11 [10]; DX: 11 [10]; IQ: 11 [10]; HT: 11 [10]

Advantages: Alertness +1 [5]

Disadvantages: Extremely Hazardous Duty [-20]; Fat [-10]; Lame [-15]

Skills: Bicycling-11 [1]; Brawling-11 [1]; Driving (Tank)-12 [4]; First Aid-11 [1]; Guns (LAW)-11* [1/2]; Guns (Light Auto)-11* [1/2]; Guns (Rifle)-12* [1]; Gunner (Canon)-11* [1]; Gunner (Machinegun)-11* [1]; Mechanic (Petrol engine)-12 [4]; Scrounging-12 [2]; Soldier-13 [6]; Stealth-10 [1]; Throwing-9 [1];

* +1 from IQ 11

Gear: MP-40 w/4 magazines, large knife (1d-1 cut/imp), 2 grenades, unform, helmet, assorted gear.

Notes: This NPC was a tank driver earlier in the war, when a mine explosion severely damaged his left leg. With manpower levels nearing the bottom, he has been brought back to duty.

Joe the Hitler Youth #1
Setting: WWII

ST: 10 [0]; DX: 12 [20]; IQ: 10 [0]; HT: 11 [10]

Advantages: Acute Hearing +2 [4]; Fit [5]; Rapid Healing [5]; Strong Will +3 (Limitation: Brittle, -25%) [9];

Disadvantages: Extremely Hazardous Duty [-20]; Dull [-1]; Fanatacism (Patriotism) [-15]; Intolerance [-10]; Poverty (Struggling) [-10]; Youth [-4]

Skills: Armoury (Small Arms)-9 [1]; Bicycling-12 [1]; Boating-11 [1]; Camouflage-9 [1/2]; Climbing-12 [2]; First Aid-10 [1]; Gunner (Machine Gun)-11* [1/2]; Gunner (Mortar)-11* [1/2]; Guns (Light Auto)-13* [1]; Guns (LAW)-13* [1]; Guns (Rifle)-15* [4]; Hiking-11 [2]; Jumping-12 [1]; Knife-12 [1]; Leadership-9 [1]; NBC Warfare-8 [1/2]; Orienteering-9 [1]; Philosophy (National Socialism)-9 [2]; Scrounging-9 [1/2]; Soldier-11 [2]; Spear-11 [1]; Stealth-12 [2]; Survival (Woodlands)-10 [2]; Throwing-10 [1]; Traps-8 [1/2]; Swimming-12 [1]

* Includes +1 for IQ 10

Gear: VG 1 w/6 magazines, Panzerfaust, 2 grenades, helmet, uniform

Notes: This NPC represents a product of the Hitler Youth that believes in the propoganda he has been fed.

Note: The VG 1 is not the same as the weapon of the same name in W:IC. The real VG 1 was a crude bolt action rifle that used the magazine of the G 43 rifle. Use the stats for the Mauser 98K, but reduce Malf to 15 and increase shots to 10.

Joe the Hitler Youth #2
Setting: WWII

ST: 10 [0]; DX: 12 [20]; IQ: 10 [0]; HT: 11 [10]

Advantages: Fit [5]

Disadvantages: Extremely Hazardous Duty [-20]; Intolerance [-10]; Poverty (Struggling) [-10]; Truthfulness [-5]

Skills: Armoury (Small Arms)-9 [1]; Bicycling-12 [1]; Camouflage-10 [1]; Climbing-12 [2]; First Aid-10 [1]; Gunner (Machine Gun)-12* [1]; Guns (Light Auto)-13* [1]; Guns (LAW)-13* [1]; Guns (Rifle)-15* [4];
Hiking-11 [2]; Jumping-12 [1]; Knife-12 [1]; Leadership-9 [1]; NBC Warfare-8 [1/2]; Orienteering-10 [2]; Philosophy (National Socialism)-9 [2]; Riding (Horse)-11 [1]; Scrounging-9 [1/2]; Soldier-12 [4]; Spear-10 [1/2]; Stealth-12 [2]; Survival Woodlands)-10 [2]; Throwing-10 [1]; Traps-8 [1/2]; Swimming-12 [1]

* +1 from IQ 10

Gear: Mauser 98K w/7 clips, large knife (1d-2 cut/imp), 3 grenades, uniform, helmet

Notes: This NPC represents a young German who has seen enough for most of the Nazi indocrination of the Hitler Youth to wear off.

Jane the Hausfrau
Setting: WWII

ST: 10 [0]; DX: 10 [0]; IQ: 11 [10]; HT: 10 [0]

Advantages: Danger Sense [15]; Luck [15]

Disadvantages: Bad Sight [-10]; Poverty (Struggling) [-15]; Sense of Duty (Germany) [-10]; Social Stigma (Female) [-5]

Skills: Acting-11 [2]; Agronomy-10 [1]; Animal Handling-9 [1]; Area Knowledge-12 [2]; Bicycling-11 [2]; Cooking-12 [2]; Diagnosis-9 [1]; First Aid-12 [2]; Guns (Pistol)-11* [1/2]; Merchant-12 [4]; Naturalist-9 [1]; Professional Skill (Telephone Operator)-12 [4]; Scrounging-12 [2]

* +1 from IQ 11

Languages: German-11 [0]; English-10 [1/2]

Gear: Dirty and ill-patched dress, small knife (1d-3 cut/imp), Luger (14 rounds), first aid kit

Notes: This represents a young German widow without children who is more or less tagging along with the others. Hote that her pistol is not really for combat; it is for soldiers that are too injured to be helped, and a last recourse to prevent her capture by the Soviets (she has no illusions as to her fate)