Copyright 2001 by Brandon Cope


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Police Cruiser, TL8

This is typical of the better police cars available, designed both for city and highway patrols. There is cramped seating for two prisoners; neither is provided with a crashweb. In addition, there is a tear as discharger located in the prisoner section (separated from the two front officer seats by plexiglass), in case there is problems. In some jurisdications, the cruiser will be armed (such as the turret fitted below -- without the turret, weight drops 175 lbs and cost $26,000).

Subassemblies: body +3, full rotation turret +0, four wheels +1
P&P: 225 kW ceramic w/ wheeled drivetrain, two rD-cell
Fuel: 30 gallons diesel (fire chance: 7) in one 30 gallon self-sealing tank,  4.44 hours fuel
Occ: 1 NCS, 1 NS, 2 CS
Cargo: 20 cf
Armor All
Body (exterior) 4/20
Body (open frame) 4/30
Turret 4/30
Wheels 4/30

7mmC mninigun [Tur:F] (1000 rounds)
40mm grenade launcher [Tur:F] (65 grenades)

Turret: Thermograph (5 mile, Scan 15), full stabilization for MG and AGL
Body: medium range recieve-only radio, LLTV (5 miles, Scan 13), Thermograph (1 mile, Scan 11), 4x ground-search no-targeting radar (Range 0.1 miles, Scan 3), IFF *2, two small computer, two terminal, 4-man NBC kit, sound system, civilian GPS, compact fire suppression system, high-security alarm system, 2 crash webs, 3 dischargers (tear gas), smokescreen, restraints (two cramped seats)

Size: 6'x5'x12' Payload: approx. 980 lbs Lwt:  5761 lbs (2.88 tons)
Volume: 187 cf (Size Mod: +3) Maint.: 57 hours Price: $121,700

HT: 12
HP: 276 [body], 15 [each wheel]
gSpeed: 159 gAccel: 10 gDecel: 20 gMR: 1.75 gSR: 5 GP: high (1/6)

Design Notes
Frame is medium for 170 cf body and 17 cf wheels. Vehicle has an improved suspension, ram, smartwheels, improved brakes, psi-shielding, liquid crystal surface, electrified surface, all-wheel steering and puncture-resistant tires. Armor is expensive metal.