Copyright 2001, 2005 by Brandon Cope


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Adonis light battlesuit, TL8

The BL-2 Adonis was the first battlesuit adopted by the Republic of Texas Army in 2026. Intended for use in the reconnaissance role, the low speed proved to be a problem and the suit was removed from front-line military service within a few years, the army keeping a small number for training purposes.

Most of the surplus suits were sent to police forces for heavy riot control and to deal with moderately-powerful monsters. Other were sold off to megacorps for security. It is not a serious combat vehicle (at least by TL8 standards; they would be quite a threat to most TL7 infantry), having only light weaponry and thin armor. It also has minimal sensors and no kind of defensive features. However, it is fairly cheap to buy and operate, which appeals to many non-military buyers.

Subassemblies: body +0, limited rotation turret -2, two arms -2, two legs -2
P&P: 0.6 kW legged drivetrain, two 33,300 kWs rechargable power cells (6 hours each)
Occ: 1 CCS (144-180 lb pilot)
Cargo: none

All locations: 4/50 composite

10mmC SMG [Right Arm] (150)
30mm light grenade launcher [Left Arm] (21 HE)

Turret: HUDWAC, LLTV (x15, +4/+7)
Body: mini-comsuite, NBC kit, 6 hours limited life support, hardened small computer (C2)
Right Leg: one power cell
Left Leg: one power cell
Right/Left Arms: ST 22 cheap arm motors

Size: 6.9'x2.3'x2.3' Payload: 187 lbs Lwt: 642 lbs (0.32 tons)
Volume: 6.4 cf (Size Mod: +0) Maint.: 85 hours Price: $55,000
HT: 11
HP: 19 [body], 8 [each leg], 11 [each arm], 6 [turret]
gSpeed: 12 gAccel: 10 gDecel: 20 gMR: 3 gSR: 2 GP: very low (10 mph)
Design Notes
Frame is expensive medium for 3.1 cf body, 0.6 cf turret, 0.5 cf arm (each) and 0.9 cf (each) leg. The suit is sealed and has ST 24.

New Weapons
10mmC submachinegun: short barrel, light automatic, caseless
Dam 3d, Acc 10, SS 12, 1/2 Dam 200, Max 1900, ROF 16*, Wt 3.6 lbs, Cost $860, AWt 0.019 lbs, ACost $0.076

30mm light grenade launcher: extremely short barrel, light automatic, very low-powered
Dam 5d [2d], Acc 7 , SS 12, 1/2Dam 80, Max 1100, ROF 2, Gun Wt 5.1 lbs, Gun Cost $500, AWt 0.2 lbs (HE), ACost $4.56 (HE)