Copyright 2005 by Brandon Cope

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Yokosuka K5Y "Willow"

The K5Y was, numerically, the most important intermediate trainer used by the Imperial Japanese Navy. It entered production in 1934 and continued until 1945, with nearly 5,800 K5Y of all types being built. It was a rather conventional two-seat biplane, but was not designed for carrier operations.

The K5Y1 has a crew of two (pilot, observer/gunner) and uses 11.4 gallons of aviation fuel per hour at routine usage. Fuel and ammo costs $19.

Navy Type 93 Intermediate Trainer (K5Y1)

Subassemblies: Light Fighter chassis +3, Recon Fighter Wings with Biplane option+2, three fixed wheels +0.
Powertrain: 254-kW aerial HP gasoline engine w/254-kW old prop and 60-gallon fuel tank [Body].
Occupancy: 2 XCS  Cargo: 4.5.

Body: 1/2C
Wings: 1/2C

Aircraft LMG/Type 97 [Body:F] (500)
Aircraft LMG/Type 92 [Body:R] (582)

Body: Small radio receiver and transmitter, navigation instruments, autopilot. Wings: 110-lb hardpoint under each.

Size: 26'x36'x11' Payload: 0.53 tons Lwt: 1.63 tons
Volume: 144 Maint.: 81 hours Price: $6,100

HT: 8
HP: 50 [body], 100 [each wing], 5 [each wheel]
aSpeed: 132 aAccel: 4 aDecel: 44 aMR: 11 aSR: 1 Stall: 46

Design Notes
Design speed was 149 mph and 1,000 rounds of ammo were purchased. The historical values have been used, as well as the actual wing area (298 square feet). The wing’s HPs (and cost and weight) were doubled to provide a more realistic aMR and increase weight.

There were two floatplane versions, the K5Y2 with the engine above and the rarer K5Y3 with a 384-kW engine. The K5Y2 flew at 119 mph.