These are characters, for one reason or another, I
have never gotten around to completing (in most cases I simply
lost interest in the character concept). For the most part,
they are still useable, but lack the detailed background
of other characters on this site.
I may, at some point in the future, develop these characters
more fully, but until then ...
current contents
Bargas of Timor, desert scout, fantasy
Dargas, horse trainer and cavalier, fantasy
Ellard, shepard and ex-warrior, fantasy
John Markus, politician turned mage, fantasy
Luis Mendoza, environmentalist accountant,
ST: 12 [20] Swing 1d+2, Thrust 1d-1
DX: 13 [30] Speed 6, Move 6, Dodge 6, Block 7, Parry
8 (axe, shortsword), 6 (knife)
IQ: 11 [10]
HT: 11 [10]
Point Total: 100
Advantages: Combat Reflexes [15], Reputation +1 (on 10-) [3], Strong Will +1 [4]
Disadvantages: Claustrophobia [-15], Religious Intolerance [-10], Stubborness [-5]
Quirks: Dislikes ruins, Always has a pet dog, Nosy, Speaks in a booming voice, Remembers praise and insults
Skills: Area Knowledge-13 [4], Armoury-10 [1], Axe/Mace-13 [2], Boating-12 [1], Bolas-12 [1], Bow-13 [4], Broadsword-14 [4], Carousing-11 [2], Cooking-11 [1], First Aid-10 [0.5], Gambling-9 [0.5], Heraldry-10 [1], Knife-12 [0.5], Lance-12 [1], Riding (Camel)-11 [1], Riding (Horse)-14 [4], Savoir-Faire-10 [0.5], Scrounging-12 [2], Shield-14 [2], Stealth-14 [4], Survival (Plains)-12 [4], Tactics-9 [1], Weather Sense-10 [1]
Equipment: Cheap Broadsword (1d+2 cut, 1d-1 cr), Large Knife (1d cut, 1d-1 imp), Regular Bow (1d imp, 1/2 Dam 180), light leather armor (PD/DR 1/1) and small shield (PD 1)
Appearance: 6'2", 180 lbs, short brown hair, brown eyes, dark skin, 22 years old
ST: 11 [10] Swing 1d+1, Thrust 1d-1
DX: 12 [20] Speed 5.75, Move 3, Dodge 4, Parry 6
(broadsword), 5 (knife)
IQ: 11 [10]
HT: 11 [10]
Point Total: 84
Advantages: Animal Empathy [5], Combat Reflexes [15], Reputation +2 (as horse trainer, from warriors and equestrians, on a 10-) [3], Status +1 [5]
Disadvantages: Compulsive Carousing [-5], Lame (Crippled Leg)
[-15], Sense of Duty (Village/Clan) [-10]
Skills: Animal Handling (Horses)-21* [6], Area Knowledge-12
[2], Axe/Mace-9** [2], Blacksmith-10 [1], Bow-11 [2], Brawling-12 [1],
Broadsword-10** [4], Carousing-11 [2], Gambling-11 [2], Knife-10** [2],
Lance-12 [2], Packing-13 [1], Riding (Horse)-17 [4], Savoir-faire-13 [0],
Survival (Plains)-11 [2], Teamster (Horses)-19* [1]
* - includes +5 for specialization and Animal Empathy
** - on horseback, the -3 lameness penalty probably should not
Weapons: blunt broadsword, small mace, short bow
Appearance: 5'6", 150 lbs, 27 years old, brown hair, brown eyes
Dargas was a well-respected warrior when his leg was injured in a raid four years ago. The leg failed to heal properly and his days as a regular warrior were over. However, he possessed a great talent with handling and training horses, which lead to his position as chief horse trainer.
ST: 12 [20] Swing 1d+2, Thrust 1d-1
DX: 13 [30] Speed 5.5, Move 5, Dodge 5, Block 5,
Parry 6 (axe) 5 (spear)
IQ: 9 [-5]
HT: 12 [20]
Point Total: 96
Advantages: Acute Hearing +5 [10], Attractive Appearance [5]
Disadvantages: Bad Sight (nearsighted) [-25], Odious Personal Habit [-10]
Skills: Animal Handling-12 [8], Axe/Mace-13* [8], Bard-9 [2],
Bow-11* [4], Climbing-15 [8], History (Military)-12 [1], Gambling-10 [4],
Shield-11* [1], Spear-11* [2], Streetwise-11 [6], Tactics-9 [4], Veterinary-9
(*-includes -2 penalty for Bad Sight)
Weapons: Axe (1d+4 Cut)
Appearance: 5'8", 165 lbs, brown hair, brown eyes
Despite his rather normal appearance and modest occupation, Ellard was once a member of the King's Guard, a semi-elite military force. He served well in that organization for over a decade, when he recieved a head injury and was forced to return to civilian life (the injury resulted in loss of IQ and vision impairment).
Ellard returned to his pre-military profession of animal husbandry, which he was well-skilled in. While no longer in the military, Ellard is frequently asked to assist in drilling the town militia. Aside from his weapon and tactical experience, older boys constantly ask him to tell stories of battles he fought in.
Quotes: "I bet you don't know what really started the Sixth Border War..."
ST: 14 [45] Swing 1d+3, Thrust 1d+1
DX: 9 [-10] Speed 4.75, Move 4
IQ: 10 [0]
HT: 10 [0]
Point Total: 102
Advantages: Alertness +4 [20], Charisma +3 [15], Magery 2 [35]
Disadvantages: Hard of Hearing [-10], Honesty [-10]
Skills: Carousing-10 [2], Disguise-10 [2], Knife-10 [2], Politics-13
[8], Riding (horse)-9 [2], Singing-13 [6]
Spells: Death Vision-10, Seek Planet-10, Simple Illusion-10, Sound-10
Weapons: large knife
Appearance: brown skin, light brown hair, brown eyes, 6' tall, 165 lbs
For most of his early life, John desperately wanted to become a warrior, but while he possessed great strength, he lacked the required agility. Over time, he realized that he had a natural talent to persuade people. Combined with his honesty, he thought he might possibly get involved with city politics and leave his mark there. Unfortunately, after an Orcish horde swept though the region, destroying the city, he found himself lost in the nearby wilderness, seperated from the other survivors.
Before his worst nightmares could come true, he was found by a hermit mage. He quickly determined that John possessed a strong magical aptitude that John had never been aware of. With the maurauding orcs a constant danger, the mage hastened the lengthy apprenticeship process and quickly began teaching John some simple but useful spells.
Only a few weeks had passed before an orcish patrol discovered the mage's hut and burned it to the ground. Both escaped, but John suffered a severe blow to the head which left his hearing impared. He has since been unable to find the hermit, and has headed west, away from the orcs.
ST: 9 [-10] Swing 1d-1, Thrust 1d-2
DX: 13 [30] Speed 6, Move 6
IQ: 12 [20]
HT: 12 [20]
Point Total: 120
Advantages: Acute Taste/Smell +1, Charisma +1, Intuition, Lightning Calculator
Disadvantages: Sense of Duty (Friends), Duty to Ecologist Group (9-), Intolerance (Megacorps)
Quirks: Agnostic, Prefers to work alone, Shy around women, Taps fingers when nervous
Skills: Accounting-15, Diplomacy-11, Ecology-13, Electronic Ops (Communicators)-12, Electronic Ops (Computers)-15, Guns (Rifle)-12, Law-12, Lockpicking-15, Sex Appeal-13, Streetwise-12, Swimming-13
Languages: English-12, Spanish-13
Weapons: semi-automatic Assault Carbine
Appearance: 5'8", 165 lbs, brown skin, black hair, dark green eyes
Luis Mendoza always loved nature but got bored studying nature-related fields such as biology, zoology and botany, which, to him, reduced the beauty of nature to ugly laws and formulas. He works as a field administrator for a small private ecology protection organization named Nature Protectors of North America (NPNA). Though outgunned by megacorps who have more power and money to influence governmental policy, they soldier on. Unlike many such groups, they have no ties to ecoterrorists and denounce such activity at every opprotunity.
He normally oversees the financial affairs of whatever project he is assigned to, which can range from studying the effects of a megacorp factory on the nearby environment to studying the factory to see if it is complying with (the few) pollution laws. Because of his position, he often has to deal with megacorp representatives and reporters, though he prefers to let the project leader do the talking.