New GURPS skills, advantages and disadvantages
Arcane Zoology (M/H, Occultism-3, Zoology-3): This is similar to the normal zoology skill, but applies to fantastic and mythological creatures instead.
Comparative Theology (M/H, Pre: Theology-12): This is the skill of comparing and contrasting various religions. The Theology prerequisite must be 12 or higher in general Theology or 18 or higher for an optional specialization.
Ekistics (M/A, IQ-5, Archeology-1, Anthropology-2): This scientific skill covers the study of human settlements, including city or community planning and design.
Handwriting Analysis (M/H, Criminology-2): This covers two abilities, the first to detect forgeries and the second (and more difficult) to draw conclusions on the writer's personality and personal history. The first use is handled as a simple Contest of Skills using Handwriting Analysis and Forgery. The second use is at a -4 penalty. The better the roll, the more accurate the information.
Mythology (M/H, Theology-3, Occultism-3): This represents general knowledge of primitive and "classical" religions and their legends, as well as the common aspects most myths share. Note that someone from a culture worshipping such deities (an Athenian priest in 500 BC, for example) should learn Theology, not Mythology.
Magical Training (Magery 0) (5 points): You have recieved training in the use of magic. You may learn and cast any spell (except in a No Mana zone) that does not specifically require Magery. You get no bonus to your IQ when learning spells or the Thaumatology skill, nor do you get an IQ roll to determine if an object is magical or if a person has Magery. As this is a learned ability, rather than an inborn one, it does not register to wizards checking for Magery using the Aura spell. If you have regular Magery, this advantage is pointless. Magical Training may not be Aspected or Limited. Since this is a learned ability, it may be gained during play (requiring 6 months with a teacher, 12 months if self-taught, plus 5 character points).
Resistant to Pain: (6 points): This is a lesser (and slightly more realistic) form of High Pain Threshold. Specifically, when wounded, you take a penalty of only half damage taken, are +3 to resist Stunning and have a +2 to resist pain when tortured. In other situations, you take a penalty equal to the average of the normal penalty and the penalty for those with High Pain Threshold (always round in your favor).
Switchable Magic Resistance (5 per +1): This works like regular magic resistance, but the character can 'turn it off' at at the beginning of any round (unless otherwise specified, it is assumed to be 'on'). When turned off, any spells cast at the target are treated as if he did not have magic resistance, as well as spells cast by the character. A mentally stunned character cannot turn his magic resistance back on. If a character is knocked unconscious, it automatically kicks on.
Crippled Arm (-12 points): One of your arms is, by reason of injury, illness or birth, almost useless to you. You can perform no quick or precises actions with the arm, but slow, imprecise movements are still possible. If a DX or DX-based skill roll is required, and the crippled arm is required for the action, roll at -4 (plus off-hand penalties, if appropriate, though these can be bought off as usual). Also, because of general disuse, your crippled arm has ST-4. A character may not start the game with a Crippled Arm and either Ambidexterity or Full Coordination, though the disadvantage may be gained in play.
Gout (-1 or -5): You suffer from you body producing too much uric acid, which, over time, settles in the joints and will eventually crystalize, causing great pain and swelling and restricting the use of that limb. It most often affects the feet, knees and hands. Each day, a roll of 3-4 on 3d6 indicates a gout attack. A sudden change in weather or having to worry about an upcoming stressful event may, at the GM's option, raise this to a 3-5 chance). It normally takes 1d6+4 hours after the first twinges start for full effects to occur. The severety of the attack is largely random: roll 2d6 -- 2-6 minor, 7-9 moderate and 10-12 severe (-1 if very active the previous month, +1 if very sedentary the previous month, -2 if taking medication). In general, a minor attack gives a -1 to all physical actions and metal actions requiring great concentration, a moderate attack -3 and a severe attack -5 (double penalties for Low Pain Threshold, halve (rounding down ) for High Pain Threshold). In addition, while a severe attack lasts, the affected limb should be treated as being crippled (eg. for a foot, this means Lameness, for a knee, One Leg). A minor attack lasts for 1d6/2 days, a moderate attack for 2d6-2 (minimum 1) days and a severe attack for 3d6 days (although in some cases it can last for over a month). By late TL7, the disease is fairly well understood (it it no longer linked with diet) and can be easily treated preventively with medication (though attacks may still sometimes occur). Medication for the attacks themselves are also available at TL7, taking 1 to 3 days (depending on severity) to break down the crystals and reduce the swelling. -1 point at TL7+, -5 points at TL6-.
Insensitive to Pain (-5 points): This is the disadvantageous form of High Pain Threshold. You don't feel any pain, at any time; you were either born without pain receptors or the ones you have don't work. You have still have a sense of touch but you will not know you are injured until you actually see the wound or someone else points it out to you. In game terms, this means that you will never know how much damage you have taken or, in some cases, that you have even received an injury! Note: The Macho Chip in GURPS Cyberpunk and Ultra Tech 2 is similar but a 5 point advantage; however, I feel that as a permanent trait it is a disadvantage and have priced it accordingly.
No-Mana Weapon (VH) Enchantment
College: Enchantment
This is the enchantment version of Drain Mana (p.M54). Any weapon with this enchantment ignores any other spells or enchantments protecting the target. Note that this does not dispel such protections, it merely bypasses them. Also, mundane protections still work -- scale mail with Fortify +2 (DR 6) is still DR 4 against a No-Mana Weapon. As with Drain Mana, no contest of skills is required. Creatures that are mana-dependant do not take any extra damage from a No-Mana Weapon. Anyone wounded by (or carrying) a No-Mana Weapon suffers no penalties to magic use.
If this spell is cast on an already enchanted item, roll a contest of skill between the caster's skill (lower of Enchant and No-Mana Weapon) and the item's Power (if there are multiple enchantments, use the highest Power, +1 per additional enchantment). A critical success drains the item of one enchantment (the cheapest) permanently; all others are suppressed for one month. A regular success supresses all enchantments for 1 week per point the contest was made by. Nothing happens on a normal failure. On a critical failure, the caster loses one level of Magery permanently.
Cost: 100 per pound of weapon, divide by 10 for pure missiles (arrows and bullets, but not spears or knives); guns really only require the bullets be enchanted -- these are typically half a round's weight; double cost for missile weapons (which casts the spell on each missile as it is fired at no cost-- see above if an already-enchanted missile is used)
Prerequisites: Enchant, Drain Mana
(If magical protections (not just magic in general) are very common, increase the cost by a factor of 3 to 8. This spell hasn't been tested against the spells in GURPS Grimore, since I have yet to use any from that book.)
Summon Demon Mechanic Regular (adapted from ADQ 5/2)
College: Necromantic
This spell summons a technologically-inclined demon who will immediately repair any single mechanical or electrical system to full function, regardless of the damage it has taken. If the system is located on a vehicle, the vehicle may move while the Demon Mechanic works. This spell will only work in combat, since the demon will not appear unless blood is in the offing. The demon vanishes as soon as it is finished. If needed, the physical stats of the demon can be determined randomly. A demon mechanic will continue working even if attacked, and cannot be stunned.
Duration: until repairs are done (1 to 10 seconds)
Cost: 8, cannot be maintained
Prerequisite: Summon Demon or five Making and Breaking or Tech spells
Item: Any tool (a wrench is common) that will summon a demon mechanic three times before vanishing. Energy cost to create: 80
Wizard's Reverse Special (adapted from ADQ 5/2)
College: Movement
This spell causes its target to instantly face in the opposite direction, retaining the same speed. The target actually teleports in place. Range penalties are only -1 per 10 yards to target. Only moving vehicles are affected by this spell.
Duration: instantaneous
Cost: 3 per 10,000 pounds
Prerequisite: Roundabout and Blink
Summon Demon Cyclist Regular (adapted from ADQ 5/2)
College: Necromantic
This spell conjures a demon on a flaming motorcycle, who will obey the wizard and attack any target on hand. Maybe. When the demon is summoned, it and the caster have a contest of (ST+Will). If the demon wins, he will attack the vehicle closest to him each turn (as a side note, the demon must be summoned within 60 feet of the caster). If the caster wins, the demon is fully under his control.
The demon has ST 13, DX 13, HT 15/50, IQ 10, Motorcycle-16, Guns (Pistol)-16, Flame Jet-16, and Magic Jet (Flame)-16. It rides a high-performance cycle which is +3 to MR. Its leather jacket and denim jeans provide PD 6/DR 20. It never is stunned or takes penalties from damage, and is destroyed at 0 HP.
Duration: 10 seconds
Cost: 8 to cast, 2 to maintain
Prerequisite: Summon Demon
Summon Demon Punks Regular (adapted from ADQ 5/2)
College: Necromantic
This spell summons a gang of eight teen-aged demons in leather jackets, who will immediately remove the wheels off any vehicle going 20 miles per hour or less. The demons can be attacked during this time, and they will not fight back (HT 15). All wheels come off at the end of the duration if at least one demon punk is left, at which time the car suffers significant penalties and loss of performance (see p.VE179).
Duration: 2 seconds per tire on target vehicle
Cost: 8, cannot be maintained
Prerequisite: Summon Demon