I originally came up with these two characters for a one-shot 25-point
adventure I was working on. The adventure never got written up (I ended
up GMing one of my regular campaigns) so the characters were put aside.
Each character was severely restricted in weapons skills. Mage #1 learned how to use the spear as part of his village militia training. Mage #2 could use a knife or throw a Stone Missile spell. Neither are really that good at magic (too few spells, too low level). I've made only slight changes (point cost went up from 25 to 30 since I charge differently for spells in my campaigns, I reallocated Mage #2's points in spells and both gained an extra level of Magery). Only minimal background info is given (I never got very far), but you should have a good idea of what the characters are like. |
Mage #1
This character was supposed to an assistance/apprentice to the village's
healer. His father was a moderately successful trapper, and the mage picked
up some wilderness-related skills from him. His size and tendency to freeze
up in life-or-death situations caused him to look elsewhere for a career.
ST 10 [0]
DX 10 [0]
IQ 13 [30]
HT 10 [0]
Advantages: Magery 2 (star-aspected) [13], semi-literate [5]
Disadvantages: Combat Paralysis [-15], Dwarfism [-15]
Quirks: Talks to inanimate objects, Dislikes getting dirty, Night owl
Skills: Spear-9 [1], First Aid-13 [1], Merchant-12 [1], Survival (woodlands)-12 [1], Herbalism-11 [1], Area Knowledge (village)-13 [1], Astrology-11 [1], Weather Sense-12 [1], Naturalist-11 [1]
Spells: Major Healing-13 [1], Minor Healing-13 [1], Lend Health-13 [1], Lend Strength-13 [1], Light-13 [1], Sense Life-13 [1]
Mage #2
This character helped out in the local copper mines (indeed, he feels
very uncomfortable in open fields) as his job, but was primarily a book-mage,
more interested in the theory of magic than it's practice. His leg was
badly injured when he was caught in a fight between a group of orcs and
elves who could care less what happened to bystanders -- since then, he
has hated all non-human races.
ST: 10 [0]
DX: 11 [10]
IQ: 12 [20]
HT: 10 [0]
Advantages: Magery 2 (one college only) [16], Semi-Literate
Disadvantages: Acrophobia [-10], Crippled Leg [-15], Intolerance (Racial) [-10]
Quirks: Wears red scarves, Pipe smoker, Claims to have noble blood
Skills: Spell Throwing (Stone Missile)-12 [2], Knife-11 [1], Prospecting-11 [1], Language (one foriegn)-12 [2], Language (another foriegn)-11 [1], Alchemy-11 [2], Thaumatology-13 [1], Theology-10 [1]
Spells: Stone Missile-12 [1], Create Earth-12 [1], Earth to Stone-12 [1], Shape Earth-13 [2], Seek Earth-12 [1]