Thorm Sarg, mercenary
ST: 10 [0] IQ: 12 [20]
Speed: 6
DX: 12 [20] HT: 12 [20] Move: 5
Damage Swing: 1d
Thrust: 1d-2
Dodge: 6 Block: n/a
Parry: 7 (shortsword), 6 (knife)
exploration suit over light monocrys (PD/DR 2/13); light encumbrance
Point Total: 100
Advantages: Alertness +1 [5], Combat Reflexes [15], Luck [15], Strong Will +1 [4]
Disadvantages: Appearance (Ugly) [-10], Enemies (four 25-point, on 6-) [-5], Code of Honor (Mercenary) [-5], Mild Delusion (thinks alien monsters are behind most unexplained events) [-5], Sense of Duty (to companions) [-5], Stubbornness [-5]
Quirks: Names his weapons, Morning person, Likes to read Sun Tzu's Art of War, Won't perform outright murder for any price, Distrusts the ability of military officers
Skills: Battlesuit-12 [2], Beam Weapons (Blaster)-15 [2], Beam Weapons (Flamer)-14 [1], Camouflage-12 [1], Carousing-12 [2], Electronics Operation (Computers)-11 [1], Electronics Operation (Sensors)-12 [2], Exoskeleton-12 [2], First Aid-11 [0.5], Free Fall-11 [1], Guns (Gyrocs)-16 [4], Guns (Pistol)-13 [0.5], Intimidation-12 [2], Knife-12 [1], Leadership-12 [2], Shortsword-12 [2], Stealth-12 [2], Strategy-11 [2], Survival (Arctic)-12 [2], Survival (Desert)-12 [2], Survival (Jungle)-11 [1], Survival (Mountains)-11 [1], Tactics-11 [2], Vacc Suit-11 [1]
Weapons: gyroc revolver, blaster rifle, vibro shortsword, vibro knife, sporting pistol
Fantasy: Drop Battlesuit, Beam Weapons, Electonics Operation,
Exoskeleton, Free Fall, Guns and Vacc Suit. Add Riding-13, Bow-11, Crossbow-13,
Spear Throwing-12, Spear-12, Lance-12 and Armoury-11. Thorm's military
background is in light calvalry (scouts) and his Delusion is with (supernatural)
monsters instead of aliens.
Contemporary: Drop Battlesuit, Beam Weapons, Exoskeleton, Free Fall, Guns (Gyroc) and Vacc Suit. Add Guns (Rifle)-15, Guns (Pistol)-14, Guns (Light Assault)-15 and Driving (ATV)-12. He could prove very useful in a Horror campaign featuring Invaders From Space as a combat-oriented ally willing to believe the party (his Delusion could be changed to the Supernatural, if needed).
Near Future: As contemporary, but replace Beam Weapons (Blaster) with Beam Weapons (Laser).
6'2", 165 lbs, black hair, brown eyes, thin beard
Thorm Sarg is a gun-for-hire, though he prefers small-unit and bodyguard work to espionage (and won't touch anything resembling assassination). Anyone seeing him for the first time, however, would probably assume him to be a ruthless killer due to his rather fearsome appearance. In truth, Thorm is a competent soldier with some unusual qualities.
Like most mercenaries, Thorm has a military background. In his case, he served one tour of duty in the Space Marines where he recieved powered armor and hostile environment training. Despite his variety of skills, he has made it a point to stay away from larger mercenary units (where such skills would be useful) as he doesn't entirely trust the strategic skill of most military or paramilitary officers.
Thorm's biggest shortcoming is his insistance on the presence of aliens lurking in the shadows, which, unfortunately for others, has proven true often enough to reinforce his beliefs. Even if he could be proven wrong, he's far too stubborn to quickly change his mind. Fortunately, he's just as stubborn in his loyalty to his companions.
"Everyone's missing, but there's no sign of a fight? I bet some alien
race we haven't encountered before did this..."
"It's better to make your enemy defenseless without fighting him than
to be able to win every battle." (or any other paraphrased quote from The
Art of War)