Taniya, runaway bride turned thief turned consort turned pilgrim
Total points: 26
22 years old, light golden skin, strawberry blonde hair (fixed up in a severe bun while travelling; let down to her shoulders otherwise), dark green eyes, 5' 6", 155 lbs
ST: 8 [-15] Thrust 1d-3, Swing 1d-2
DX: 11 [10] Basic Speed 5.5, Move 5, Dodge 5
IQ: 12 [20]
HT: 10 [0]
Advantages: Attractive [5], Charisma +1 [5], Literate [10]
Disadvantages: Cowardice [-10], Edgy [-5], Entomophobia (insects/bugs) [-10], Intolerance (Nobility) [-5]
Quirks: Likes poetry, Dislikes cold weather, Paces when nervous, Likes water travel, Gets other people to fight her battles
Skills: Carousing-11 [4], Courtesan-12 [2], Dancing-11 [2], Fast Talk-12 [2], Heraldry-10 [1], Pickpocket-10 [2], Riding (Horse)-10 [1], Sex Appeal-12 [4], Savoir Faire-13 [2], Singing-10 [1], Stealth-10 [2], Streetwise-11 [1], Swimming-11 [1]
Languages: Native-12 [0], Eastern-11 [1]
Equipment: Dagger (1d-5 imp), simple travelling dress, sandals, backpack with personal basics, $950 in various coins
Despite the wealth and power of her parents (who are minor nobles), at an early age Taniya resented the way her life was being planned for her. She eventually came to see her parents as vain and shallow and only days before her arranged marriage ran away. The fact that it was to be a very important political marriage didn't matter to her; she had no intention of being trapped in a marriage she wanted no part of.
Taniya fled to a city in the south she had visited several times when her father was conducting personal buisness. However, she had no personal friends in the city (the only people she really knew were other nobles and some of her father's buisness associates) and soon she fell in with the wrong crowd, a group of overconfident freelance pickpockets. Things went well for a time, then the group came to the notice of the Thieve's Guild. Almost overnight, all of her allies vanished.
Fearing she was next, she hid out in a wagon that was leaving as part of a caravan the next day. Once on the road, she discovered that the caravan was a gift offering from a local king to one in the west. The caravan master was pleased when he discovered her hiding away and made a present of her for the king's harem. After two years, she had worked her way up to being the king's personal favorite, confiding things to her that not even his advisors knew. She was willing to perform her expected duties in return for the benifits it brought her; despite being a consort, she weilded no small power around the palace and was more than willing to exercise it. At one point, she lived in greater comfort than the princesses.
However, a new slave girl from a northern provice soon took the king's fancy. Taniya was slowly pushed into the background and became just another one of the concubines. Then she heard rumors that the girl was telling the king than Taniya was a danger to him because of what she knew and should be dealt with. Frightened by this turn of events, she planned her escape and snuck out of the castle one night, aided by a castle guardsman who had developed an interest in her shortly before she fell out of favor with the king. In the second town they reached, the pair was ambushed by thieves; only Taniya managed to escape.
Currently, she is travelling with a group of pilgrims headed back home. She would be willing to join any reasonably competent and trustworthy group headed roughly in her direction.
Taniya is designed using all the normal rules.
What If?
Taniya translates reasonably well to a medieval setting. She might also work in a Victorian setting, though some of her acquired skills would be little short of scandalous to her familiy (and travelling companions).
Adventure Seeds:
Here Comes the Groom: Her future-husband didn't take her leaving
very well and has been searching for Taniya constantly (he may even have
help from her family). He has finally heard of her involuntary trip west
(after lengthy ... discussions with a certain caravan leader). Of course,
he runs into her while she is travelling with the PCs.
Guards! Guards!: The king has sent men to track Taniya down and kill her, fearful she will reveal important personal information to his rivals. Of course, she has no intention of doing so, though she might start if she finds he is after her.