This was created for a one-shot adventure set on an island south of the Philippines in 1945.
Template Cost: 95
ST 11 [10]; DX 13 [30]; IQ 12 [20]; HT 11 [10]
Advantages: Fit [5]; Rank 1 [5]; 20 more points in advantages
Disadvantages: Extremely Hazardous Duty [-20]; -20 more points in disadvantages
Skills: Administration-11 [1]; Brawling-13 [1]; Boating-11 [0.5]; Camouflage-12 [1]; Climbing-12 [1]; Demolition-11 [1]; Electronics Operation (Comm)-10 [0.5]; First Aid-11 [0.5]; Forward Observer-11 [1]; Gunner (MG)-14 [1]; Guns (Light Auto)-15 [1]; Guns (Rifle)-15 [1]; Hiking-10 [1]; Jumping-12 [0.5]; Knife-13 [1]; Leadership-12 [2]; Navigation-10 [0.5]; Orienteering-12 [2]; Savoir-Faire (Military)-12 [1]; Soldier-14 [6]; Spear-12 [1]; Stealth-13 [2]; Survival (Island)-11 [1]; Swimming-12 [0.5]; Tactics-12 [4]; Throwing-11 [1]; Traps-11 [1]
See p.W80 and p.W:HS17 for more information.
Marine Raider Gear
Personal: belt, boots, work gloves,
helmet*, backpack*, blanket*, canteen x2, cigarette lighter, compass,
tool*, small flashlight, matches, mess kit*, mussette bag, personal
sleeping bag*, wristwatch, K-rations x 9*, D-rations x 3, gun cleaning
kit*, military holster, web gear, basic first aid kit, machete
Weapons: M-1911A1 w/3 mags, M-1A1
carbine w/12 mags or M-1918A2 BAR w/10 mags or M-1 Garand w/12 clips or
Winchester M-1897 w/50 shells, Ka-Bar knife, 3 Mk III offensive grenades
(Riflemen with carbines or Garands each carry
4 BAR mags - 12 per fire team)
Squad TO&E
Squad Leader
3 Fire Teams, each with