Appearance: 4'6" tall, 100 lbs, black hair, brown eyes, dark skin, painfully colorful outfit
ST: 10 [0] Swing 1d; Thrust 1d-2
DX: 11 [10] Basic Speed 5.5, Move 4, Dodge 4
IQ: 12 [20]
HT: 10 [0]
Total Points: 30
Advantages: Musical Ability +3 [3]; Voice [10]
Disadvantages: Alcoholism [-15]; Dwarfism [-15]; Social Stigma (Barbarian) [-15]
Quirks: Likes to wear gaudy outfits; Homesick; Hates to see other people not happy; Gets depressed easily; Likes children
Skills: Acting-13* [0]; Area Knowledge (homeland)-13 [2]; Bard-17** [8]; Bardic Lore-12 [4]; Carousing-11 [4]; Dancing-11 [2]; Juggling-13 [4]; Knife-11 [1]; Musical Intrument (lute)-15*** [4]; Musical Instrument (harp)-14*** [2]; Performance-14* [0]; Savoir-Faire (local)-12 [1]; Singing-17**** [2]; Streetwise-12 [2]
* Default from Bard
** Includes +2 for Voice
*** Includes +2 for Musical Ability
**** Includes +2 for Voice and +2 for Musical Ability
Languages: (native)-11 [0]; (local)-11 [2]
Six juggling pins, a lute, a small harp, gaudy minstel outfit, a small knife (hidden), about $150 in various coins
Jumo was originally an entertainer of children in his primitive homeland to the south. He never knew his parents, being abandoned shortly after birth. He was raised by a small group of entertainers, the only ones willing to deal with a "freak" like Jumo. They quicky recognized his speaking and musical abilities and the entire troupe worked hard to train him in those areas. Then, while in his early 20's he was taken from a coastal village by sea slavers. The slavers sold him off in an old and decadent country to the north, but before he could be branded, he managed to escape. Unfortunately, he was a very long way from his homeland.
He hadn't travelled far when he was taken in by a minor noble family who were opposed to all slavery. In exchange for food, shelter and clothing, he entertained their guests. Jumo quickly became friends of the familiy and stayed with them for several years. He gained some noteriety in the region with the nobility, and often times travelled to special events.
Increasingly, however, he grew homesick and tearfully left the faimily that had show him so much kindness. On his trek home, he became more depressed as he no longer had anyone familiar to talk to. Although he has been unable to make enough money to support himself, he eventually turned to alcohol to eas his pain.
He has now travelled far enough that his good reputation is effectively gone (no one knows him), and as he has attempted to perform drunk several times, with disasterous results, he may begin to acquire a poor reputation.
Jumo is headed southwest to his home; he has been gone nearly four years now. In towns, he is most likely to be found near taverns at night and the open market during the day. Fortunately, he escaped before the could recieve a slave brand and can thus pass freely.
Jumo has -45 rather than -40 points in Disadvantages. Otherwise, he is fully compatible with normal GURPS rules.
What if?
Jumo works well in most historical settings up through the 18th or 19th century.
Adventure Ideas
Jumo could be used in several ways. First, he could be the not-so merry minstrel the PCs encounter while staying at a village overnight. A desperate party may even hire Jumo (or he could temporarily be working for a PCs patron). Depending on the goals and temperment of the party, it is possible that they could try to help Jumo home (or return him to the slave pens, although "The Ransom of Red Chief" is recommended reading for a way to handle that scenario).