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These are two front-line Allied war
correspondents, both of similar abilities but differing time in war
zones. The American practice (and it is assumed the British one was
similar) was to give war correspondents the rank of captain for the
purposes of determining lodging and food allowances, but were not
allowed to be armed or lead soldiers). Front line correspondents (as
compared to those in rear areas) also faced nearly the same dangers as
the same soldiers they covered, so a Duty was given to represent this.
War correspondents who mainly reported from rear areas (like divisional
HQ) should take a lower level of Duty.
the War Correspondent
Setting: WWII (British)
ST: 10 [0]; DX: 10 [0]; IQ: 12 [20]; HT: 10 [0]
Advantages: Acute Vision +1
[2]; Contact (Supply sergeant, skill-12, 12 or less, somewhat reliable)
[2]; Contact (Company commander,
skill-15, 9 or less, somewhat reliable) [2]; Military Rank 4 (Cannot
command men or carry weapons, no Status bonus; -50%) [10]
Disadvantages: Bad Sight
(Farsighted) [-10]; Callous [-6];
Duty (12 or less) [-10]; Flashbacks [-5]; Odious Personal Habit
(Condesending mannerisms) [-5]
Skills: Area Knowledge
(North Africa)-13 [2]; Area Knowledge
(London)-13 [2]; Detect Lies-9* [2]; Diplomacy-1-* [4]; Fast Talk-9*
[1]; History-10 [1]; Literature-10 [1]; Photography-12
[2]; Research-12 [2]; Soldier-11 [1]; Typing-12 [1]; Writing-13 [4]
* includes -2 from Callous
Languages: English-14 [2];
French-11 [1]; German-11 [1]
Notes: This NPC represents a war
correspondent who has spent some time in the war zone, enough have an
impact on him..
Joe the War Correspondent
Setting: WWII (American)
ST: 10 [0]; DX: 10 [0]; IQ: 12 [20]; HT: 10 [0]
Advantages: Charisma +1 [5];
Contact (Company executive officer, skill-12, 9 or less, somewhat
reliable) [1]; Military Rank 4 (Cannot command men or carry weapons; no
Status bonus; -50%) [10]; Strong Will +1 [4]
Disadvantages: Duty (12 or
less) [-10]; Fanaticism (Patriotism) [-15]; Overconfidence [-10];
Workaholic [-5]
Skills: Acting-11 [1]; Area
Knowledge (Central Pacific)-12 [1]; Area Knowledge (Chicago)-13 [2];
Carousing-10 [2]; Criminology-11 [1]; Detect Lies-12 [4]; Fast Talk-12
[2]; Photography-11 [1]; Public Speaking-13 [4]; Research-11
[1]; Streetwise-12 [2]; Typing-12 [1]; Writing-12 [2]
Languages: English-13 [1]
Notes: This NPC represents a a
war correspondent getting his first taste of combat, about as gung-ho
as the Marines he reports on.