Disadvantages: Code of Honor (Officer's) [-10]; Extremely
Duty [-20]; Poverty (Struggling) [-10]; Workaholic [-5]
Skills: Administration-11 [1]; Aviation-12 [2]; Electronics
Operation (Comm)-12 [2]; First Aid-11 [1/2]; Gunner (Cannon)-11* [1/2];
Gunner (Machine gun)-11* [1/2]; Guns (Pistol)-12* [1/2]; Leadership-11
[1]; Mechanic (Prop plane engine)-12 [2]; Meterology-12 [2]; Musical
Instrument (Piano)-10 [1]; Navigation-14** [2]; Piloting (Single-engine
prop)-11 [2]; Singing-11 [1]; Tactics (Air-to-air)-10 [1]
* +2 from IQ 11
** +3 from Absolute Direction
Languages: German-12 [0];
English-11 [1]
Note: This Joe was
originally trained to serve as a navigator on a medium bomber (Ju 88)
but was shifted to fighters as there was a more desperate need of them.
He probably flies a late model Bf 109. At the GM's option, his
Single-engine Prop specialities could be replaced with Single-engine
Jet and he is assigned to a He 162 squadron.
Disadvantages: Code of Honor (Extreme Officer's) [-15]; Edgy
[-5]; Extremely Hazardous
Duty [-20]; Honesty [-10]
Skills: Aviation-10 [1]; Bicycle-11 [1/2]; Electronics Operation
(Comm)-10 [1]; First Aid-10 [1/2]; Gunner (Cannon)-11* [1/2]; Gunner
(Machine gun)-11* [1/2]; Katana-10 [1/2]; Leadership-9 [1/2]; Mechanic
(Prop plane engine)-9 [1/2]; Navigation-10 [2]; Piloting (Single-engine
prop)-12 [2]; Poetry-8 [1/2]; Tactics (Air-to-air)-9 [1]
* +1 from IQ 11
Notes: This Joe flies night
intercepts in a Zero.
Joe the Fighter Pilot #3
Setting: WWII (Soviet Union)
Skills: Area Knowledge (Black Sea)-11 [1]; Aviation-11 [2];
Gunner (Bombs)-11* [1/2]; Gunner (Machine gun)-11* [1/2]; Guns
(Rifle)-12* [1/2]; Leadership-9 [1/2]; Mechanic (Prop plane engine)-10
[1]; Navigation-10 [2]; Piloting (Single-engine prop)-12 [2]; Tactics
(Air-to-air)-9 [1]
* +1 from IQ 12
Notes: This Joe
flew a mail plane before the war but was rushed into combat as an I-153
fighter pilot after the setbacks of 1941.