The NPCs can also be used as well-equipped corporate security forces in certain settings.
Some notes: On duty, each soldier carries his personal gear, plus the "carried" gear below. The other gear is normally kept at camp. The rifle grenades can also be used as hand grenades; range is ST x 3.5. The GPMG can use the magazine of the assault rifles, but the assault rifles can't use the GPMG's drum.
Carried gear: A per character, plus: Uniform/harness, filtration canteen, large knife/bayonet, 2 smoke grenades, medium monocrys suit, light helmet, gas mask, mini-flashlight, medkit, military compass, short range comm: ~57 lbs
Other gear: rucksack, envirobag, shelter half, 20 ration packs, filtration
canteen, 20 yards biphase rope, smart mine, 360x7mmC rounds (either as
six drums or twelve magazines), entrenching tool, mess kit; 42 lbs
Joe the Fire Team Leader
Setting: Near-future
ST: 10 [0]; DX: 11 [10]; IQ: 11 [10]; HT: 11 [10]
Advantages: Alertness +1 [5]; Fit [5]
Disadvantages: Chummy [-5]; Extremely Hazardous Duty [-20]; Hidebound [-5]; Laziness [-10]; Stubbornness [-5]
Skills: Administration-9 [1/2]; Armoury (Small Arms)-10 [1]; Brawling-11 [1]; Camouflage-11 [1]; Climbing-10 [1]; Demolition-10 [1]; Electronics Operation (Comm)-11 [2]; Engineer (Combat)-10 [2]; First Aid-10 [1/2]; Gunner (Machine Gun)-11* [1]; Guns (Grenade launcher)-11* [1/2]; Guns (Light Auto)-12* [1]; Guns (Rifle)-13* [2]; Hiking-10 [1]; Knife-11 [1]; Leadership-9 [1/2]; NBC Warfare-11 [2]; Orienteering-10 [1]; Savoir-Faire (Military)-11 [1]; Scrounging-10 [1/2]; Soldier-12 [4]; Stealth-10 [1]; Survival (Mountains)-10 [1]; Tactics-10 [2]; Throwing-9 [1]; Traps-10 [1]
Gear: 7mmC assault rifle (Dam 5d, SS 11, Acc 9, 1/2 Dam 500,
Ammo 30, RoF 10*, Rcl -1, ST 9) w/12 mags, 7mmCS pistol (Dam 2d, SS 9,
Acc 3, 1/2Dam 160, Ammo 15, RoF 3~, Rcl -1, ST 8) w/4 mags, medium range
comm, maps and military GPS
Jane the Fire Team SAW Gunner
Setting: Near-future
ST: 10 [0]; DX: 12 [20]; IQ: 11 [10]; HT: 11 [10]
Advantages: Fit [5]
Disadvantages: Code of Honor (Enlisted) [-10]; Extremely Hazardous Duty [-20]; Overconfidence [-10]; Post-Combat Shakes [-5]
Skills: Armoury (Small Arms)-11 [2]; Brawling-12 [1]; Camouflage-12 [2]; Climbing-11 [1]; Demolition-10 [1]; Electronics Operation (Comm)-10 [1]; Engineer (Combat)-9 [1]; First Aid-10 [1/2]; Gunner (Machine Gun)-13* [2]; Guns (Light Auto)-13* [1]; Guns (Rifle)-13* [1]; Hiking-10 [1]; Knife-12 [1]; NBC Warfare-11 [2]; Orienteering-10 [1]; Scrounging-11 [1]; Soldier-11 [2]; Stealth-11 [1]; Survival (Mountains)-10 [1]; Throwing-10 [1]; Traps-11 [2]
Gear: 7mm GPMG (Dam 6d, SS 14, Acc 10, 1/2Dam 750, Ammo 60, RoF
12*, Rcl -1, ST 9) w/5 drums, 7mmCS pistol (Dam 2d, SS 9, Acc 3,
1/2Dam 160, Ammo 15, RoF 3~, Rcl -1, ST 8) w/4 mags
Joe the Fire Team Grenadier
Setting: Near-future
ST: 10 [0]; DX: 12 [20]; IQ: 11 [10]; HT: 11 [10]
Advantages: Fit [5]
Disadvantages: Callous [-6]; Compulsive Behavior (Binge Drinking) [-10]; Extremely Hazardous Duty [-20]; Indecisive [-10]
Skills: Armoury (Small Arms)-10 [1]; Brawling-12 [1]; Camouflage-11 [1]; Climbing-11 [1]; Demolition-10 [1]; Electronics Operation (Comm)-10 [1]; Engineer (Combat)-9 [1]; First Aid-10 [1/2]; Gunner (Machine Gun)-12* [1]; Guns (Grenade Launcher)-14* [2]; Guns (Light Auto)-13* [1]; Guns (Rifle)-14* [2]; Hiking-10 [1]; Knife-12 [1]; NBC Warfare-11 [2]; Orienteering-10 [1]; Scrounging-10 [1/2]; Soldier-11 [2]; Stealth-11 [1]; Survival (Mountains)-10 [1]; Throwing-10 [1]; Traps-10 [1]
Gear: 7mmC assault rifle (Dam 5d, SS 11, Acc 9, 1/2 Dam 500,
Ammo 30, RoF 10*, Rcl -1, ST 9) w/10 mags, 30mm URGL(Dam 5d [2d] HE, SS
12, Acc 5, 1/2Dam 80, Ammo 1, RoF 1/3, Rcl -1) w/20 grenades
Jane the Fire Team Rifleman
Setting: Near-future
ST: 10 [0]; DX: 13 [30]; IQ: 10 [0]; HT: 11 [10]
Advantages: Fit [5]
Disadvantages: Code of Honor (Extreme Enlisted Man's) [-15]; Edgy [-5]; Extremely Hazardous Duty [-20]; Unattractive [-5]
Skills: Armoury (Small Arms)-9 [1]; Brawling-13 [1]; Camouflage-10 [1]; Climbing-12 [1]; Demolition-9 [1]; Electronics Operation (Comm)-9 [1]; Engineer (Combat)-8 [1]; First Aid-10 [1]; Gunner (Machine Gun)-13* [1]; Guns (Light Auto)-14* [1]; Guns (Rifle)-15* [2]; Hiking-11 [1]; Knife-13 [1]; NBC Warfare-10 [2]; Orienteering-9 [1]; Scrounging-10 [1]; Soldier-10 [2]; Stealth-12 [1]; Survival (Mountains)-9 [1]; Throwing-12 [2]; Traps-9 [1]
Gear: 7mmC assault rifle (Dam 5d, SS 11, Acc 9, 1/2 Dam 500,
Ammo 30, RoF 10*, Rcl -1, ST 9) w/12 mags, two 7mmC GPMG ammo drums, four
57mm rifle/hand grenades (6dx3 [4d] HE, SS 18, Acc 5, 1/2D 75, RoF 1/6)