Joe the Fire Thrower
Setting: Fantasy
ST: 13 [30]; DX: 11 [10]; IQ: 9 [-10]; HT: 10 [0]
Advantages: Acute Vision +2 [4]; Alertness +1 [5]
Disadvantages: Duty (15 or less) [-15]; Fanatacism [-15]; Pyromania [-5]
Skills: Axe/Mace-11 [2]; Brawling-11 [1]; Carousing-9 [1]; Shield-12 [2]; Soldier-11 [6]; Tactics-7 [1]; Throwing-12 [8]
Gear: Hatchet (2d-1 cut), small shield (PD 2), light leather armor (PD/DR 1/1), 12 flasks of oil (Dam spcl, Max 52 yards), 12 javelins (1d+1 imp, Acc 3, 1/2Dam 22, Max 37)
Notes: This NPC is a soldier who is really good at throwing things
a long distance. In his case, it's lobbing burning flasks of oil over 50
ST: 10 [0]; DX: 12 [20]; IQ: 12 [20]; HT: 10 [0]
Advantages: Jack-Of-All-Trades 2 [20]
Disadvantages: Addiction (Tobacco) [-5]; Bad Sight [-10]; Compulsive Behavior (Binge drinking) [-10]; Hard of Hearing [-10]; Sense of Duty (Crew) [-5];
Skills: Area Knowledge (Class of starship he is on)-12 [1]; Cooking-12 [1]; First Aid-12 [1]; Savoir-Faire-12 [1]; Scrounging-12 [1]
Gear: Worksuit
Notes: This NPC is a starship crewman just skilled enough to serve as a steward. However, she also has picked up a little bit of a lot of skills, not enough to get her other jobs, but enough that she can prove useful in a pinch.
The JoaT advantage is described on p.GT125. For those without that book, the advantage improves attribute (but not skill) defaults by +2, but not beyond the skill level that 1/2 point would give. In general, this character has defaults for easy skills of 10, average of 9 and hard of 8.
Compulsive Behavior (Binge Drinking) is described on p.W64. It is Alcoholism,
sans withdrawl penalties.
ST: 10 [0]; DX: 9 [-10]; IQ: 13 [30]; HT: 9 [-10]
Advantages: Comfortable Wealth [10]; Empathy [15]
Disadvantages: Cowardice [-10]; Glory Hound [-15]; Gluttony [-5]; Jealousy [-10]
Skills: Acting-12 [2]; Conspiracy Theory-10 [1]; Detect Lies-15 [8]; Diplomacy-13 [4]; Meditation-12 [2]; Psychology-15 [8]; Research-13 [2]
Languages: English-13 [0]; German-12 [1]; French-12 [1]; Spanish-12 [1]
Gear: Good clothes, cell phone
Notes: This NPC represents a clinical psychologist who, while
not exactly in league with the Conspiracy, has occassional contact with
them and passes on information on what patients are simply delusional and
which ones actually know something. Sometimes he is instructed to do his
best to convince the patient he didn't see what he really saw, at other
times he is told to "refer" the patient to a psychiatrist; the patient
is often not seen again afterwards. The Conspiracy has made him many promises
(based on his flaws) but have so far only kept a few minor ones. In no
way should the Conspiracy be considered a patron for him; as far as they
are concerned, he is simply a skilled but disposable pawn.
ST: 9 [-10]; DX: 10 [0]; IQ: 13 [30]; HT: 10 [0]
Advantages: Comfortable Wealth [10]; Intuition [10]
Disadvantages: Additction (Cigarettes) [-5]; Phobia (Squeamishness) [-10]; Sadism [-15]; Skinny [-5]
Skills: Detect Lies-13 [4]; Diagnosis-14 [6]; Electronics Operation (Medical)-13 [2]; First Aid-13 [1]; Psychology-14 [6]; Research-12 [1]
Gear: Good clothes, cell phone, pack of cigarettes, lighter
Notes: This NPC represensts a psychiatrist who is a minion of
a more powerful villain (or, in a lower power campaign, part of a consipracy
of near equals). Disposing of a threat by packing him away to a mental
institution is generally more effective than framing him and sending him
to prison or killing him, because it also discredits everything he has
said recently.