Most mortar crews have 1-2 additional ammo carriers (for a total crew of 5-6 men). It is assumed that this team has lost one or two men to combat or illness. To make up for this, it is also assumed that the team has acquired some form of transport to help carry the 60mm mortar and 50 shells (nearly 200 lbs total). A Jeep (p.W106) or motorcycle with sidecar (p.W107) would be good choices.
The commander stands behind the mortar and give instructions. The gunner is to the left of the weapon and makes any adjustments in traverse or elevation. The assistant gunner is on the right side and drops the mortar shells down the tube. The ammo bearer provides the assistant gunner with shells (in a full-strength mortar team, one or two of the ammo bearers would also provide local security with their rifles).
Mechanized Option: Some American calvalry recon and tank-destroyer units used 60mm mortars mounted in Jeeps, with a crew of three. In this case, treat the ammo bearer as an extra man for security.
Medium Mortar Option: The 60mm mortar can be exchanged for a
81mm mortar with no change in skills. An 81mm mortar team usually has 1-2
more men but normally only 30-40 shells. Medium mortars are organized at
the battalion, rather than company, level.
ST: 11 [10]; DX: 10 [0]; IQ: 11 [10]; HT: 11 [10]
Advantages: Fit [5]; Military Rank 1 [5]
Disadvantages: Addiction (Tobacco) [-5]; Extremely Hazardous Duty [-20]; Fanatacism (Patriotism) [-15]; Sense of Duty (Mortar Crew) [-5]
Skills: Armoury (Artillery)-10 [1]; Administration-9 [1/2]; Brawling-10 [1]; Camouflage-11 [1]; Climbing-9 [1]; Demolition-10 [1]; Driving (Truck)-9 [1]; Engineer (Combat)-9 [1]; Electronics Operation (Communication)-10 [1]; First Aid-10 [1/2]; Forward Observer-10 [1]; Gunner (Cannon)-10* [1]; Gunner (Machine Gun)-10* [1]; Gunner (Mortar)-11* [2]; Guns (Light Auto)-10* [1/2]; Guns (Rifle)-10* [1/2]; Hiking-9 [1/2]; Knife-10 [1]; Leadership-10 [1]; NBC Warfare-9 [1/2]; Orienteering-11 [2]; Savoir-Faire (Military)-10 [1/2]; Scrounging-10 [1/2]; Soldier-12 [4]; Spear-8 [1/2]; Survival (Woodlands)-10 [1]; Swimming-10 [1]; Tactics-10 [2]; Throwing-8 [1]
* +1 from IQ 11
Gear: M-1 carbine, 8 60mm shells, mortar barrel, standard infantry
ST: 11 [10]; DX: 10 [0]; IQ: 11 [10]; HT: 11 [10]
Advantages: Fit [5]
Disadvantages: Edgy [-5]; Extremely Hazardous Duty [-20]; Lecherousness [-15]
Skills: Armoury (Artillery)-10 [1]; Brawling-10 [1]; Camouflage-12 [2]; Climbing-9 [1]; Demolition-10 [1]; Driving (Truck)-9 [1]; Engineer (Combat)-9 [1]; Electronics Operation (Communication)-10 [1]; First Aid-10 [1/2]; Forward Observer-10 [1]; Gunner (Cannon)-10* [1]; Gunner (Machine Gun)-10* [1]; Gunner (Mortar)-12* [4]; Guns (Light Auto)-10* [1/2]; Guns (Rifle)-10* [1/2]; Hiking-10 [1]; Knife-10 [1]; NBC Warfare-9 [1/2]; Orienteering-11 [2]; Scrounging-11 [1]; Soldier-12 [4]; Spear-8 [1/2]; Survival (Woodlands)-10 [1]; Swimming-10 [1]; Throwing-8 [1]
* +1 from IQ 11
Gear: M-1 carbine, 10 60mm shells, mortar bipod, standard infantry
ST: 11 [10]; DX: 11 [10]; IQ: 10 [0]; HT: 11 [10]
Advantages: Fit [5]
Disadvantages: Bad Temper [-10]; Bloodlust [-10]; Extremely Hazardous Duty [-20];
Skills: Armoury (Artillery)-9 [1]; Brawling-11 [1]; Camouflage-10 [1]; Climbing-10 [1]; Demolition-9 [1]; Engineer (Combat)-9 [2]; Electronics Operation (Communication)-10 [2]; First Aid-10 [1]; Forward Observer-10 [2]; Gunner (Cannon)-11* [1]; Gunner (Machine Gun)-11* [1]; Gunner (Mortar)-12* [2]; Guns (Light Auto)-12* [1]; Guns (Rifle)-12* [1]; Hiking-9 [1/2]; Knife-11 [1]; Motorcycle-11 [1]; NBC Warfare-9 [1]; Orienteering-9 [1]; Scrounging-9 [1/2]; Soldier-10 [2]; Spear-9 [1/2]; Stealth-11 [2]; Survival (Woodlands)-9 [1]; Swimming-11 [1]; Throwing-9 [1]
* +1 from IQ 10
Gear: M-1 carbine, 10 60mm mortar bombs, mortar baseplate, standard
infantry gear.
ST: 12 [20]; DX: 10 [0]; IQ: 10 [0]; HT: 11 [10]
Advantages: Alertness +1 [5]; Fit [5]
Disadvantages: Code of Honor (Enlisted Man's) [-10]; Compulsive Generosity [-5]; Extremely Hazardous Duty [-20]; Semi-Literate [-5]; Stubbornness [-5]
Skills: Armoury (Artillery)-10 [2]; Brawling-10 [1]; Camouflage-10 [1]; Climbing-9 [1]; Demolition-9 [1]; Driving (Truck)-9 [1]; Engineer (Combat)-8 [1]; Electronics Operation (Communication)-10 [2]; First Aid-10 [1]; Forward Observer-10 [2]; Gunner (Cannon)-10* [1]; Gunner (Machine Gun)-10* [1]; Gunner (Mortar)-11* [2]; Guns (Light Auto)-12* [2]; Guns (Rifle)-11* [1]; Hiking-9 [1/2]; Knife-10 [1]; Mechanic (Gasoline engine)-9 [1]; NBC Warfare-8 [1/2]; Orienteering-9 [1]; Scrounging-10 [1]; Soldier-10 [2]; Spear-8 [1/2]; Survival (Woodlands)-9 [1]; Swimming-10 [1]; Throwing-8 [1]
* +1 from IQ 10
Gear: Thompson SMG, 22 60mm shells, standard infantry gear