ST: 10 [0]; DX: 11 [10]; IQ: 11 [10]; HT: 10 [0]
Advantages: Magery-3 (Fire college only) [22]; Semi-Literacy [5]
Disadvantages: Bad Temper [-10]; Night Blindness [-10]; Severe Phobia (Oceans) [-20]
Skills: Brawling-11 [1]; Crossbow-12 [2]; First Aid-11 [1]; Knife-11 [1]; Metallurgy-10 [2]; Shortsword-11 [2]; Spell Throwing (Fireball)-12 [2]; Tactics-10 [1]
Spells: (all level 12 with 1 point): Ignite Fire; Create Fire; Shape Fire; Extinguish Fire; Fireball; Heat
Gear: Shortsword (1d cut, 1d-2 imp), Large Knife (1d-2 cut/imp), Crossbow (1d+2 imp, Acc 4, 1/2 Dam 200), Quiver w/10 bolts, heavy leather armor (PD/DR 2/2)
Notes: This NPC primarily provides security for the other miners,
but he also serves as a "portable furnace" when needed.
ST: 10 [0]; DX: 9 [-10]; IQ: 13 [30]; HT: 10 [0]
Advantages: Literacy [10]; Magery 2 (Earth college only) [16]
Disadvantages: Gigantism [-10]; Hidebound [-5]; Severe Phobia (Heights) [-20]; Stubbornness [-5]
Skills: Engineer (Mining)-13 [4]; Geology-11 [1]; Metallurgy-10 [1]; Prospecting-13 [2]; Spell Throwing (Stone Missile)-11 [4]
Spells: (all level 13 with 1 point): Seek Earth; Shape Earth; Earth to Stone; Stone to Earth; Create Earth; Earth Vision; Stone Missile
Gear: Work clothes, pot helm, 3-point powerstone
Notes: This NPC is the core member of the mage mining team, but
he could hardly be called their leader.
ST: 10 [0]; DX: 10 [0]; IQ: 12 [20]; HT: 10 [0]
Advantages: Magery 3 (Air college only) [22]; Semi-Literacy [5]
Disadvantages: Severe Phobia (Enclosed spaces) [-30]; Short Attention Span [-10]
Skills: Boating-10 [2]; Merchant-12 [2]; Navigation-12 [2]; Spell Throwing (Lightning)-11 [2]; Staff-9 [2]
Spells: (all at level 13 with 1 point): Purify Air; Create Air; Shape Air; Predict Weather; Walk On Air; Body Of Air; Lightning; Windstorm
Gear: Work clothes, staff, 3-point powerstone
Notes: This NPC is an "emergency backup" during digging; if there
is a cave in, she can refresh the air the other miners a re trapped with
or use Body of Air to escape to the surface to get help. Normally, however,
she operates the group's boat to trade for food with local villages.
ST: 9 [-10]; DX: 10 [0]; IQ: 13 [30]; HT: 10 [0]
Advantages: Literacy [10]; Magery 2 (Water college only) [16]
Disadvantages: Gregarious [-10]; Impulsiveness [-10]; Severe Phobia (Dogs) [-10]; Voices [-5]; Xenophilia [-5]
Skills: Carpentry-13 [1]; Engineer (Mining)-12 [1]; Geology-13 [2]; Masonry-10 [1]; Prospecting-12 [1]; Spell Throwing (Ice Sphere)-12 [4]; Swimming-11 [2]
Spells: (all level 13 with 1 point): Seek Water; Purify Water; Create Water; Destroy Water; Shape Water; Walk On Water; Ice Sphere
Gear: Work clothes, 3-point powerstone
Notes: This NPC is the second most important miner, as she is
able to help out if there is any flooding in the mines.