ST: 11 [10]; DX: 12 [20]; IQ: 10 [0]; HT: 11 [10]
Advantages: none
Disadvantages: Alcoholism [-15]; Struggling [-10]; Unattractive [-5]
Skills: Acrobatics-10 [1]; Acting-9 [1]; Brawling-12 [1]; Performance-10 [2]; Tournament Law (Pro Wrestling)-10 [2]; Wrestling Art-12 [2]; Wrestling-12 [2]
Maneuvers: Arm Lock-14 [1]; Drop Kick-10 [2]; Ear Clap-8 [1]; Head Butt-8 [1]
Gear: Street clothes or wrestling unform
Notes: This NPC represents a small-time wrestler in the "bad
guy" role. he may have appeared in a few (bad) action or horror movies.
ST: 11 [10]; DX: 12 [20]; IQ: 10 [0]; HT: 10 [0]
Advantages: Attractive [5]; Fit [5]
Disadvantages: Bully [-10]; Glory Hound [-15]; Sleepwalker [-5]; Strugging [-10]
Skills: Acrobatics-12 [4]; Body Language-10 [4]; Intimidation-10 [2]; Jumping-12 [1]; Lifting-12 [4]; Performance-10 [2]; Running-9 [2]; Throwing-12 [4]; Wrestling-12 [2]
Gear: Street clothes or uniform
Notes: This character is a star of a region series remarkably
similar to to a nationally syndicated show of several years ago. Among
other uses for the NPC, a character could be a contestant ...
ST: 11 [10]; DX: 12 [20]; IQ: 10 [0]; HT: 11 [10]
Advantages: Alertness +2 [10]
Disadvantages: Disturbing Voice [-10]; Lecherousness [-15]; Phobia (Blood) [-10]
Skills: Gambling-9 [1]; Running-10 [2]; Sports (Baseball)-12 [2]; Throwing-11 [2]; Tournament Law (Baseball)-10 [2]
Languages: English-10 [0]; Spanish-9 [1]
Gear: Street clothes or uniform, glove, bat.
Notes: This represents a good high school or mediocre junior
college player. GMs may want to give him a slightly better default than
usual if he is using his bat as a weapon, especially against zombies.