Only two this week, but a somewhat unusual pair ...
ST: 10 [0]; DX: 10 [0]; IQ: 11 [10]; HT: 10 [0]
Advantages: Lightning Calculator [5]
Disadvantages: Pyromania [-5]; Struggling [-10]
Skills: Architecture-11 [2]; Astronomy-10 [2]; Bicycling-10 [1]; Bow-9 [2]; Calligraphy-10 [2]; Economics-10 [2]; Jeweler-9 [1]; Musical Instrument (Harmonica)-9 [1]; Professional Skill (Copy Shop)-12 [4]; Scuba-11 [2]; Shipbuilding/TL5-10 [2]; Sports (Aussie rules football)-10 [2]; Ventriloquism-9 [1]
Languages: English-11 [0]; Latin-11 [2]; French-11 [2]; Gesture-11 [1]; Esperanto-11 [1]
Gear: Uniform.
Notes: Not realy much to say about this one, other than PCs trying
to make photocopies of the Necronomicon late at night may need his services
ST: 10 [0]; DX: 9 [-10]; IQ: 10 [0]; HT: 9 [-10]
Advantages: Alertness +1 [5]; Shadow Form (Enhancement: Light Encumbrance +20%, Limitation: Three times per day -20%) [50]; Spirit Advisor (9 or less) [10]
Disadvantages: Dead Broke [-20]; Manic-Depressive [-20]
Skills: Area Knowledge (South side of Chicago)-12 [4]; Hidden Lore (Spirits)-10 [2]; Panhandling-12 [6]; Scrounging-12 [4]; Mind Block-9 [1]; Shadowing-9 [1]; Survival (Urban)-12 [4]
Gear: Dirty, smelly, worn-out clothes
Notes: This NPC looks like a normal homeless guy, but has a bit
of a surprise under the hood. The origin of his powers are up to the GM.