ST: 9 [-10]; DX: 10 [0]; IQ: 13 [30]; HT: 10 [0]
Advantages: Literacy [10]
Disadvantages: Hard of Hearing [-10]; Obdurate [-10]; One Eye [-15]
Skills: Alchemy-14 [12]; Chess-13 [1]; Cyphering-13 [1]; First Aid-14 [2]; Glassblowing-8 [1]; Metallurgy-13 [4]; Pottery-12 [1]; Research-13 [2]; Science!-11 [2]; Thaumatology-11 [2]
Languages: Native-13 [0]; Elvish-12 [1]; Dwarvish-12 [1]
Gear: Average clothes, 2-4 elixirs
Notes: This NPC represents a somewhat battered alchemist. She
is reasonably skilled beyond that, though, and could be used as a more
general (if limited) scientist in a fantasy campaign.
ST: 9 [-10]; DX: 9 [-10]; IQ: 13 [30]; HT: 9 [-10]
Advantages: Literacy [10]; Magery 3 (Moon-Aspected) [18]
Disadvantages: Fat [-20]; Low Pain Threshold [-10]; Reclusive [-10]
Skills: Area Knowledge (City)-13 [1]; Merchant-13 [2]; Thaumatology-14 [2]; Weird Magic-11 [2]
Spells: (1 point@14 unless otherwise noted): Apportation-15 [2]; Aura-15 [2]; Continual Light; Detect Magic; Enchantment-15 [4]; Find Weakness; Ignite Fire-15 [2]; Lend Strength; Light-15 [2]; Measurement; Powerstone-15 [2]; Purify Air; Seek Earth-15 [2]; Seek Water-15 [2]; Sense Life; Simple Illusion; Staff-15 [2]; Test Food-15 [2]
Gear: Robe, loincloth, sandals, staff, 3-point powerstone
Notes: This NPC represents a small-time enchanter. Remember he needs a level of 15+ in a spell in order to enchant an item for it.
Addenum: I wasn't really happy with this character, but making
even a minimally useful enchanter on 25 points is pretty hard.
ST: 10 [0]; DX: 10 [0]; IQ: 12 [20]; HT: 10 [0]
Advantages: Literacy [10]; Magery 2 (Illusion/Creation College only) [16]
Disadvantages: Cowardice [-10]; Phobia (Weapons) [-20]; Struggling
Skills: Illusion Art-12 [2]; Merchant-12 [1]; Singing-12 [4]
Spells: (1 point @ level 12 each unless otherwise noted): Simple Illusion; Complex Illusion; Perfect Illusion-15 [6]; Illusion Shell; Illusion Disguise; Know Illusion; Independence
Gear: Normal clothing, 1-point powerstone, backpack, personal basics
Notes: This is a struggling performer who mixes song and magic
to entertain the peasants.
ST: 10 [0]; DX: 10 [0]; IQ: 12 [20]; HT: 10 [0]
Advantages: Acute Hearing +1 [2]; Charisma +1 [5]; Musical Talent +3 [3]
Disadvantages: Compusive Behavior (Generosity) [-5]; Glory Hound [-15]; Honesty [-10]; Struggling [-10]
Skills: Bardic Lore-15 [10]; Bard-15 [8]; Captivate-12 [2]; Musical Instrument (Lute)-14 [2]; Musical Instrument (Flute)-13 [1]; Persuade-12 [2]; Singing-14 [2]; Suggest-12 [2]; Sway Emotions-12 [2]; Poetry-12 [4]
Gear: Average travelling clothes, lute, flute, backpack, personal basics
Notes: A fantasy bard fresh out of training.
ST: 10 [0]; DX: 10 [0]; IQ: 12 [20]; HT: 10 [0]
Advantages: None
Disadvantages: Dwarfism [-15]; Miserliness [-10]; Shyness [-5]
Skills: Agronomy-11 [1]; Area Knowledge (Kingdom)-14 [4]; Botany-12 [4]; Climbing-11 [4]; Crossbow-12 [4]; Ecology-12 [0]; Herbary-10 [2]; Hiking-10 [2]; Naturalist-15 [10]; Occultism-12 [2]; Survival (Any)-12 [0]; Spear-10 [2]
Gear: Outdoor clothing, spear (1d imp 1-hand, 1d+1 imp 2-hand), crossbow (1d+2 imp, SS 12, Acc 4, 1/2D 20) w/20 bolts, several sacks
Notes:This NPC represents a professional who finds useful plants
for alchemists, healers and mages. Herbary for this character is treated
as M/VH (p.CI150).