ST 10 [0]; DX 11 [10]; IQ 12 [20]; HT 11 [10]
Advantages: Military Rank 2 [10]
Disadvantages: Duty (to military, 15 or less) [-15]; Fanatacism (USA) [-15]; Honesty [-10]; Truthfulness [-5]
Skills: Area Knowledge (Virginia)-13 [2]; Brawling-12 [2]; Detect Lies-11 [2]; Diplomacy-11 [2]; Driving-11 [2]; Electronics Operation (Communications)-11 [1/2]; First Aid-12 [1]; Guns (Pistol)-14* [2]; Guns (Rifle)-13* [1]; Guns (Light Auto)-12* [1/2]; Law-10 [1]; Leadership-10 [1/2]; Motorcycle-10 [1/2]; Savoir-Faire (Military)-12 [1]; Soldier-12 [2]
* Includes +2 for IQ 12
Gear: Uniform (type as appropriate), 9mm pistol
Notes: This NPC is a higher-ranking non-commissioned officer
(NCO) who serves as a liason between the military and foreign, business
and other government interests. Before becoming a liason, she serves as
an MP. Her honesty and truthfulness should cause problems for PCs who want
to not do things "by the book."
"I'm the devil in disguise
I'll tell you no lies
I'm playing in a rock and roll band"
-- "Devil in Disguise", J.J. Cale
ST: 10 [0]; DX: 10 [0]; IQ: 12 [20]; HT: 10 [0]
Advantages: Musical Talent +3 [3]; Voice [10]
Disadvantages: Delusion (Child of Satan) [-15]; Truthfulness [-5]; Wealth (Struggling) [-10]
Skills: Merchant-12 [2]; Musical Composition-15* [4]; Musical Instrument (Electric Guitar)-15* [4]; Musical Instrument (Electric Bass)-13* [1]; Musical Instrument (Drums)-13* [1]; Performance-14** [2]; Professional Skill: Bug Exterminator-12 [2]; Singing-15*** [1]; Sport (Golf)-9 [1]; Theology (Satanism)-12 [4]
* Includes +3 for Musical Talent
** Includes +2 for Voice
*** Includes +3 for Musical Talent and +2 for Voice
Gear: Exterminator coveralls and boots or heavy metal costume, backpack of insect spray or cheap electric guitar and amp, blank music sheets and pencil, old motorcycle
Notes: This NPC is a rather unusual rocker, both in his beliefs
and day job.
ST: 10 [0]; DX: 10 [0]; IQ: 14 [45]; HT: 9 [-10]
Advantages: Contact (Police #1, Skill-12, 9 or less, Somewhat reliable) [1]; Contact (Police #2, Skill-12, 9 or less, Somewhat reliable) [1]; Contact (Street, Skill-12, 9 or less, Somewhat reliable) [1]
Disadvantages: Bad Sight (Farsighted) [-10]; Fat [-20]
Skills: Area Knowledge (San Antonio)-14 [1]; Computer Operation-15 [2]; Criminology-13 [2]; Driving (Car)-9 [1]; Fast-Talk-13 [1]; Forensics-13 [2]; Streetwise-13 [1]; Law-12 [1]; Photography-13 [1]; Research-15 [4]
Languages: English-14 [0]; Spanish-13 [1]
Gear: Normal clothes, cell phone, laptop w/wireless modem
Notes: This represents a modern private detective, who is more
oriented to high-tech investigations. She was once a police officer, but
had to retire due to health problems. A GM wishing her to allow her to
retain more of her old police skills may give her 2-3 quirks and assignt
her take 4-6 cop template skills at 1/2 point each.
ST: 10 [0]; DX: 10 [0]; IQ: 13 [30]; HT: 10 [0]
Advantages: Strong Will +1 [4]
Disadvantages: Flashbacks [-10]; No Sense of Humor [-10]; Overweight [-5]; Unattractive [-5]
Skills: Acting-12 [1]; Body Language-12 [2]; Chess-13 [1]; Detect Lies-13 [4]; Intelligence Analysis-12 [1]; Interrogation-14 [4]; Intimidation-13 [2]
Languages: English-13 [0]; Arabic-13 [2]; Russian-13 [2]; Spanish-13 [2]
Gear: Normal clothing
Notes: This humorless, mundane man is a professional interrogator
who tries not to be bothered by his work, but is (flashbacks). While not
interrogating a prisoner, he likes to play chess with him, even teaching
the prisoner the game if required; while this seems silly, the interrogator
uses the games as a chance to question the prisoner as a "good cop." The
NPC may have been trained by the CIA (or KGB) if the GM desires.