This Joes and Janes is a bit different, as it presents the three members of a light armored fighting vehicle.
The setting is the near future and the crew are assumed to be poorly paid conscripts operating a vehicle designed for convoy escort.
Due to the required Duty and Poverty, the disadvantage limit was moved to -50 points.
All crewmembers have as gear their uniforms, tanker's helmets and 9mm
automatic pistol. Two 9mmSMGs, one 5.5mm assault rifle, six concussion
and three blackout gas grenades are carried in the vehicle.
ST: 10 [0]; DX: 11 [10]; IQ: 12 [20]; HT: 10 [0]
Advantages: Fit [5]; Military Rank 1 [5]
Disadvantages: Bad Sight (farsighted, correctable) [-10]; Extremely Hazardous Duty [-20]; Flashbacks [-5]; Struggling [-10]; Stubbornness [-5]
Skills: Armory (Vehicular)-11 [1]; Brawling-11 [1]; Camouflage-12
[1]; Computer Operation-13 [2]; Demolition-11 [1]; Driving (Tracked)-10
[1]; Electronics Operation (Comm)-11 [1]; Electronics Operation (Sensors)-11
[1]; Engineer (Combat)-11 [2]; First Aid-10 [0.5]; Gunner (Cannon)-12 [1];
Gunner (Machine Gun)-12 [1]; Guns (Light Auto)-12 [0.5]; Guns (Rifle)-12
[0.5]; Hiking-9 [0.5]; Jumping-10 [0.5]; Knife-11 [1]; Leadership-13 [4];
Mechanic (Ceramic Engine)-11 [1]; NBC Warfare-11 [1]; Orienteering-12 [2];
Savoir-Faire (Military)-12 [1]; Scrounging-12 [1]; Soldier-12 [2]; Spear-9
[0.5]; Stealth-10 [1]; Survival (Forest)-12 [2]; Tactics-10 [1]; Throwing-9
[1]; Traps-11 [1]
ST: 10 [0]; DX: 12 [20]; IQ: 11 [10]; HT: 10 [0]
Advantages: Fit [5]
Disadvantages: Extremely Hazardous Duty [-20]; Overweight [-5]; Struggling [-10]; Unluckiness [-10]
Skills: Armory (Vehicular)-11 [2]; Brawling-11 [1]; Camouflage-11
[1]; Computer Operation-10 [0.5]; Driving (Tracked)-13 [4]; Electronics
Operation (Comm)-10 [1]; Electronics Operation (Sensors)-12 [4]; First
Aid-10 [1]; Gunner (Cannon)-12 [1]; Gunner (Machine Gun)-12 [1]; Guns (Light
Auto)-12 [0.5]; Guns (Rifle)-12 [0.5]; Hiking-9 [0.5]; Jumping-11 [0.5];
Knife-12 [1]; Mechanic (Ceramic Engine)-11 [2]; NBC Warfare-10 [1]; Orienteering-10
[1]; Scrounging-12 [2]; Soldier-12 [4]; Spear-10 [0.5]; Stealth-11 [1];
Survival (Forest)-10 [1]; Tactics-9 [1]; Throwing-10 [1]; Traps-10 [1]
ST: 10 [0]; DX: 12 [20] ;IQ: 11 [10]; HT: 10 [0]
Advantages: Alertness +1 [5]; Fit [5]
Disadvantages: Bloodlust [-10]; Extremely Hazardous Duty [-20]; Low Pain Threshold [-10]; Struggling [-10]
Skills: Armory (Vehicular)-12 [4]; Brawling-11 [0.5]; Camouflage-11
[1]; Computer Operation-11 [1]; Driving (Tracked)-11 [1]; Electronics Operation
(Comm)-11 [2]; Electronics Operation (Sensors)-12 [4]; First Aid-9 [0.5];
Gunner (Cannon)-14 [4]; Gunner (Machine Gun)-14 [4]; Guns (Light Auto)-12
[0.5]; Guns (Rifle)-13 [1]; Hiking-9 [0.5]; Jumping-11 [0.5]; Knife-12
[1]; Mechanic (Ceramic Engine)-10 [1]; NBC Warfare-10 [1]; Scrounging-11
[1]; Soldier-11 [2]; Spear-10 [0.5]; Stealth-11 [1]; Survival (Forest)-10
[1]; Tactics-9 [1]; Throwing-10 [1]
This is a 4.3 ton amphibious tracked vehicle intended for use in escorting truck convoys on minor roads (including dirt and gravel roads), with some use as a scout vehicle. It carries a crew of three (commander, driver and gunner), all in the hull. The turreted weapons are capable of high angle fire, although the AFV lacks the proper sensors to be an effective AA gun platform.
Subassemblies: Body +3, full rotation turret [Body:T] +1, tracks
Powertrain: 55-kW ceramic w/50-kW tracked drive train and 20
gallons fuel in self-sealing fuel tank (12 hour duration); 2,000-kWs batteries.
Occupancy: 3 CS Body
Cargo: 2 cf.
Body: F 6/100, RL 5/60, BTU 4/25
Turret: F 6/100, RL 5/75, B 4/20, T 4/25
Tracks: 3/10
30mm autocannon [Tur:F] (300 APEX).
7mmC gatling gun [Tur:F] (1,000 solid).
Body: Two scrambled medium range radios, LLTV (x5, +2/+4), two
hardened small computers, three computer terminals, hitch. Turret:
Full stabilization, universal mount, searchlight (5 mile), LLTV (x20, +4/+8),
thermograph (15 miles, Scan 15).
Size: 12’¥5’¥6’
Payload: 0.65 tons
Lwt.: 4.3 tons
Volume: 333 (+4)
Maint.: 70 hours.
Price: $82,600
HT: 12.
HP: 375 Body, 60 Turret, 113 each Track.
gSpeed: 45
gAccel: 3
gDecel: 20
gMR: 0.75
gSR: 7
Off-Road Speed 40 mph.
wSpeed: 4
wAccel: 0.1
wDecel: 10
wMR: 0.5
wSR: 5
Draft 1.5 feet.
Flotation 6.2 tons.
Notes: The body is waterproofed and the vehicle has a camouflage paint job.
7mmC gatling: Dam 6d+1, Acc 13, SS 17, 1/2Dam 750, Max 4,000, RoF 35
30mm autocannon: Dam 3dx9(2) + 3d+1[2d], Acc 15, SS 20, 1/2Dam 1,500,
Max 6,100, RoF 13