Joe the Hermit
Setting: Most fantasy and historical
ST 9 [-10]; DX 11 [10]; IQ 12 [20]; HT 10 [0]
Advantages: Animal Empathy [5]; Pitiable [5]; Plant Empathy [5]; Semi-Literacy [5]
Disadvantages: Manaphobia [-15]; Mild Shyness [-5]; Reputation -1 (Nutcase); Vow (Poverty) [-10]
Skills: Area Knowledge-12 [1]; Agronomy-12 [2]; Cooking-12 [1]; First Aid-12 [1]; Fishing-12 [1]; Meditation-11 [2]; Potato Throwing-12 [2]; Survival (Woodlands)-12 [2]; Tailor-12 [2]; Theology-12 [4]; Weather Sense-12 [2]
Gear: Sack of 4-8 potatos (1lb each; 1d-4 cr or soup, 1/2 D), small knife (1d-4 cut/1d-3 imp), a couple of books (one is a religious text), outdoor basics
Notes: This character represents a semi-religious/semi-stable
individual who has gone out to live in the woods by himself. He may or
may not have useful information for the PCs. Technically, his Potato Throwing
skill should just be Throwing; purists can change the skill to Throwing-10
if desired.
ST 10 [0]; DX 11 [10]; IQ 12 [20]; HT 10 [0]
Advantages: Strong Will +2 [8]
Disadvantages: Callous [-6]; Jealousy [-10]; Lunacy [-10]; Secret (Cultist) [-10]; Struggling [-10]
Skills: Area Knowledge (City)-13 [2]; Brawling-11 [1]; Criminology-11 [1]; Disguise-12 [2]; Guns (Pistol)-13 [1]; Holdout-11 [1]; Fast-Talk-12 [2]; Law-10 [1]; Mythos Lore-11 [4]; Performance/Ritual-12 [2]; Research-12 [2]; Stealth-11 [2]; Streetwise-12 [2]
Mythos Spells: Contact Cthulhu-10 [2]; Contact Nodens-10 [2]; Elder Sign-10 [2]; Summon/Bind Dimensional Shambler-10 [2]; Summon/Bind Nightgaunt-10 [2]
Gear: 9mm pistol, normal clothes
Notes: This is an example of an investigator that has gone too far and has now become a part of the cults he had been fighting against. He could be an old friend or ally of one of the PCs, who does not know he has switched sides.