Joe the Tech
Setting: Modern day and near future
ST: 10 [0]; DX: 10 [0]; IQ: 13 [30]; HT: 10 [0]
Advantages:Manual Dexterity +2 [6]; Reputation +1 (large group) [2]
Disadvantages: Bad Temper [-10]; Code of Honor (Gentleman's) [-10]; Curious [-10]; Stubborn [-5]
Skills: Area Knowledge (state)-13 [1]; Armoury (Body Armor)-14 [4]; Armoury (Rifles and Handguns)-14 [4]; Computer Operation-13 [1]; Electronics Operation (Sensors)-12 [1]; Engineer (Land Vehicles)-12 [2]; Engineer (Firearms)-12 [2]; Guns (Pistol)-12 [1]; Mechanic (Gas Engine)-14 [4]; Scrounging-14 [2]
Gear: coveralls, mini tool kits (mechanic and armoury), 9mm pistol
Notes: Someone needs to keep the vehicles and weapons of the
party (or their enemies) working and this is that person. This character
can also make modifications to equipment (he isn't skilled enough
to invent new weapons or vehicles, though).
ST 10 [0]; DX 13 [30]; IQ 10 [0]; HT 10 [0]
Advantages: Acute Vision +3 [6]
Disadvantages: Impulsivness [-10]; Stubbornness [-5]; Phobia (Darkness) [-15]
Skills: Area Knowledge (kingdom)-11 [2]; Bow-14 [8]; Camouflage-10 [2]; Fast-Talk-8 [0.5]; First Aid-10 [1]; Knife-12 [0.5]; Running-9 [1]; Stealth-12 [1]; Survival (Woodlands)-10 [2]; Tactics-8 [1]
Gear (light encumbrance): Regular Bow (1d-1 imp, Acc 2, 1/2D 150 yards) with 20 arrows; Large Knife (1d-2 imp/cut, Parry 6); Heavy Leather Armor (PD/DR 2/2)
Notes: This is a youthful small-village militia archer with some minor hunting skills.