Joe the Animal Handler
Setting: Any preindustrial (or rural)
ST 10 [0]; DX 10 [0]; IQ 11 [10]; HT 11 [10]
Advantages: Animal Empathy [5]; Comfortable [10]
Disadvantages: Gigantism [-10]; No Sense of Humor [-10]; Shyness [-10]; Stubbornness [-5]
Skills: Agronomy-11 [2]; Animal Handling-15* [4]; Brawling-11 [2]; Carpentry-12 [2]; Knife-10 [1]; Masonry-12 [2]; Merchant (Animals)-16/10 [2]; Packing-14* [2]; Riding (Horse)-13* [1]; Teamster-15* [2]; Veterinary-15* [4]
* Includes +4 for Animal Empathy
Languages: Native-13 [0]; Language (Foreign)-12 [1]
Notes: This is a "gentle giant" approach to someone who is more
comfortable around animals than people. He also has some general farm/ranch
ST 10 [0]; DX 10 [0]; IQ 12 [20]; HT 10 [0]
Advantages: Charisma +2 [10]
Disadvantages: Cowardice [-10]; Glory Hound [-15]
Skills: Bard-13 [4]; Computer Operation-12 [1]; Detect Lies-11 [2]; Diplomacy-11 [2]; Driving (Car)-10 [2]; Fast Talk-12 [2]; Law (Civil)-11/16 [2]; Psychology-10 [1]; Research-12 [2]; Writing-12 [2]
Gear: Business suit, briefcase, cell phone
Notes: In most adventures, there is a good chance for the PCs
to be involved in litigation -- usually with the PCs the ones being sued.
Although this lawyer only has minimal skills, she is a good challenge for
PCs who generally have no legal skills; there are no Banish Lawyer
spells ... With a change in law specialty, she can be used as a criminal
defense attorney.