The Helijäger is a special operations
Luftwaffe soldier utilizing the Heliofly III-57 rotorpack (p.W:MP76).
Due to
severe payload restrictions, a Helijäger
must be light (no more than 120 lbs) and can only carry a very
limited load of gear. Their two primary missions are reconnaissance and
A recon mission typically involves only one
squad at a time, spread out and flying at 100 feet or so. As soon as
the enemy is contacted, they pop a smoke grenade and leave. Originally
the Helijäger used flare guns, but
the rotors kept getting in the way ...
A raid is a bit more complicated, but similar
to small-scale paratrooper operation. The primary -- and very crucial
-- difference is that the Helijäger,
once his mission is complete, can strap his Heliofly on and fly
back to friendly territory. Since no heavy
weapons can be carried, the Helijäger
must secure enemy weapons at the site if they are required. The Helijäger land a mile or more away from the
target and proceed on foot; depending on the objectives, they either
leave the Heliofly behind (with a small guard) or disassemble them and
pack them along. In some cases, the Helijägers
may be inserted via glider (DFS 230 (p.W:HS26); 7 men, or Go 242; 18 men) which
allows heavier weapons to be carried.
There are two other coomon Helijäger roles, usually undertaken by only
one to four men. One or two men might be inserted behind the front
lines to act as harrasment snipers, or perhaps even to target specific
individuals. A sabotage team primarily carries explosives; their job is
to get in and out without being seen.
A Helijäger
is extremely vulnerable if caught by an Allied fighter. However, their
small size, evasive ability and slow speed (making it hard for a
to line up a shot without stalling or overshooting) gives them a small
ST 10 [0]; DX 13 [30]; IQ 12 [20]; HT 11 [10]
Advantages: Fit [5]; 25 points in
National Advantages. A Helijäger may take Acute Vision [2/level] and
Fearlessness [2/level] as part of their National Advantages.
Disadvantages: Extremely Hazardous Duty [-20]; -30 points in National Disadvantages, including Skinny [-5] and Reduced Hit Points -1 or -2 [-5 or -10]
Basic Skills: Armoury (Small Arms)-10
[1/2]; Brawling-13
[1]; Climbing-12 [1];
[2]; First Aid-11 [1/2]; Guns (Light Auto)-15 [1]; Guns (Rifle)-15
Hiking-10 [1]; Jumping-13 [1]; Knife-13 [1];
[1]; Pilot (Flight Pack)-14 [4]; Soldier-14
[6]; Spear-11 [1/2]; Stealth-13 [2]; Survival (any)-11 [1];
Swimming-12 [1/2]; Throwing-11 [1]; Traps-11 [1]
Secondary Skills: Camouflage-12 [1]; Electronics Operation (Comm)-10 [1/2]; Guns (Pistol)-15 [1]; Orienteering-10 [1/2]; Savoir-Faire (Military)-11 [1/2]; Running-8 [1/2]
Skills: Spend 4 points on Driving (Automobile), Gunner (MG),
Carousing, Area Knowledge (any), Scrounging, Mechanic (Flight Pack),
Forward Observer, Gambling, Intimidation, Engineer (Combat), or foreign