Copyright 2000 by Brandon Cope


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Economy compact car, TL8

This is, arguably, about the minimum for a civilian car at TL8 (at least for what a desperate person will buy). It is uncomfortable, has poor performance and is not very survivable in a wreck (although for legal reasons crashwebs are included, though in some jurisdictions even they will be left out).

However, it is very cheap, and perhaps it is best to look at it as a disposable car (anyone familiar with the City Hunter anime series should be able to picture this car, painted red). If the air conditioner or heater are run, top speed drops noticably. It is also worth noting that, in most cases, the driver and passengers can pick up and carry the car ...

Subassemblies: body +2, four wheels +1
P&P: 20 kW ceramic w/ wheeled drivetrain, one rC-cell
Fuel: 2 gallons diesel (fire chance: 7) in one 2 gallon light tank, 3.33 hours fuel
Occ: 1 CCS, 3 CPS
Cargo: 7 cf
Armor All
Body 3/5
Wheels 3/5

Body: medium range recieve-only radio, four crashwebs, for-man environmental controls

Size: 7'x4'x5' Payload: 940 lbs Lwt:  1,670 lbs (0.83 tons)
Volume: 104.5 cf (Size Mod: +3) Maint.: 66 hours Price: $3,830

HT: 11
HP: 47 [body], 5 [each wheel]
gSpeed: 78 gAccel: 5 gDecel: 10 gMR: 1 gSR: 4 GP: high (1/6)
Design Notes
Frame is cheap, extra light for 95 cf body and 9.5 cf wheels. Armor is standard metal.