All characters copyright 2006 by Brandon Cope

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A bit of a mixed-bag this week, although the two modern characters could be victims together.

Joe the Retired General
Setting: Steampunk/Cliffhangers

ST: 10 [0]; DX: 10 [0]; IQ: 12 [20]; HT: 9 [-10]

Advantages: Courtesy Rank [8]; Fearlessness +2 [4]; Status 2 [10]

Disadvantages: Code of Honor (Chivalric) [-15]; Hidebound [-5]; Intolerance [-5]; Odious Personal Habit (Condesending manners) [-5]

Skills: Administration-12 [2]; Area Knowledge (Egypt)-12 [1]; Engineer (Combat)-10 [1]; Fencing-10 [2]; Guns (Pistol)-12 [1]; Guns (Rifle)-12 [1]; Intelligence Analysis-11 [1]; Leadership-12 [2]; Riding (Horse)-10 [2]; Savoir-Faire (Military)-12 [1]; Soldier-14 [6]; Strategy (Land)-11 [2]; Tracking-11 [1]

Gear: Webley .455 revolver (Dam 2d+, Acc 2, 1/2Dam 160, Shots 6, ST 11, Rcl -3), outdoor clothes, shotgun or rifle as required

Notes: This represents an old-style officer, where good-breeding was more important than good training. Although retired, he might be talked into going on some great expedition for Queen (or King) and Country. He could also be the source of (unreliable) information for PCs, perhaps as a guest at a high-class party.

Joe the Brawler
Setting: Any

"Kick 'im in the socks!"
-- Monstrous Regiment, Terry Pratchett

ST: 11 [10]; DX: 12 [20]; IQ: 10 [0]; HT: 11 [10]

Advantages: High Pain Threshold [10]

Disadvantages: Bully [-10]; Intolerance (Women) [-10]; No Sense of Humor [-10]; Ugly [-10]

Skills: Brawling-15 [8]; Carousing-12 [2]; Hobby: Darts-13 [1]; Knife-13 [2]; Knife Throwing-12 [1]

Maneuvers: Kicking-13 [1]

Gear: Large knife (1d-1 cut/imp), fist (1d-2 cr), kick (1d cr)

Notes: This represents a classic bad-guy NPC, completely unlikable and a threat to unarmed characters.

Joe the County CSI
Setting: Modern

ST 10 [0]; DX 10 [0]; IQ 13 [30]; HT 10 [0]

Advantages: Legal Enforcement Powers [5]

Disadvantages: Bad Sight [-10]; Duty (To Sheriff's department, 12 or less) [-10]; Fat [-10]; Odious Personal Habit (likes bugs) [-5]

Skills Area Knowledge (Crockett County, TX)-13 [1]; Armoury (Small Arms)-12 [1]; Biochemistry-11 [1/2]; Computer Operations-13 [1]; Criminology-12 [2]; Electronics Operatons (Medical)-12 [1]; Entomology-12 [2]; First Aid-13 [1]; Forensics-13 [4]; Guns (Pistol)-12 [1]; Guns (Rifle)-12 [1]; Law (Police Procedure)-13 [2]; Pathology-12 [2]; Photography-13 [2]; Physiology-11 [2]; Writing-12 [1]

Language: English-13 [0]; Spanish-12 [1/2]

Equipment: Uniform, tactical vest, 9mm pistol, crime scene kit

Notes: This NPC represents a crime scene investigator who, if not deeply skilled, is at least broadly skilled. He serves in a lightly-populated county and is also a reserve deputy sheriff.

Joe the B-Movie Ecologist
Setting: Modern

ST: 10 [0]; DX: 10 [0]; IQ: 13 [30]; HT: 10 [0]

Advantages: Fit [5]

Disadvantages: Odious Personal Habit (Preachy about nature) [-10]; Sense of Duty (Nature) [-20]

Skills: Bard-12 [1]; Bicycling-10 [1]; Botany-12 [2]; Ecology-15 [8]; Survival (Woodlands)-13 [2]; Swimming-10 [1]; Tracking-12 [1]; Writing-12 [1]; Zoology-12 [2]

Languages: English-13 [0]; Spanish-12 [1]

Gear: Outdoor clothes, laptop computer, granola bars, thermos of maple-flavored coffee

Notes: This NPC is the kind of naturalist described in earlier editions of GURPS Horror -- a granola-bar eating tree-hugger who preaches to the PCs about how man is destroying the environment, only to be eaten by the monster in the final act.