All characters copyright 2006 by Brandon Cope

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Here are four mages (each specializing in one of the four elements) who have gotten together to run a very small mining operation

Joe the Fire Mage
Setting: Fantasy

ST: 10 [0]; DX: 11 [10]; IQ: 11 [10]; HT: 10 [0]

Advantages: Magery-3  (Fire college only) [22]; Semi-Literacy [5]

Disadvantages: Bad Temper [-10]; Night Blindness [-10]; Severe Phobia (Oceans) [-20]

Skills: Brawling-11 [1]; Crossbow-12 [2]; First Aid-11 [1]; Knife-11 [1]; Metallurgy-10 [2]; Shortsword-11 [2]; Spell Throwing (Fireball)-12 [2]; Tactics-10 [1]

Spells: (all level 12 with 1 point): Ignite Fire; Create Fire; Shape Fire; Extinguish Fire; Fireball; Heat

Gear: Shortsword (1d cut, 1d-2 imp), Large Knife (1d-2 cut/imp), Crossbow (1d+2 imp, Acc 4, 1/2 Dam 200), Quiver w/10 bolts, heavy leather armor (PD/DR 2/2)

Notes: This NPC primarily provides security for the other miners, but he also serves as a "portable furnace" when needed.

Joe the Earth Mage
Setting: Fantasy

ST: 10 [0]; DX: 9 [-10]; IQ: 13 [30]; HT: 10 [0]

Advantages: Literacy [10]; Magery 2 (Earth college only) [16]

Disadvantages: Gigantism [-10];  Hidebound [-5]; Severe Phobia (Heights) [-20]; Stubbornness [-5]

Skills: Engineer (Mining)-13 [4]; Geology-11 [1]; Metallurgy-10 [1]; Prospecting-13 [2]; Spell Throwing (Stone Missile)-11 [4]

Spells: (all level 13 with 1 point): Seek Earth; Shape Earth; Earth to Stone; Stone to Earth; Create Earth; Earth Vision; Stone Missile

Gear: Work clothes, pot helm, 3-point powerstone

Notes: This NPC is the core member of the mage mining team, but he could hardly be called their leader.

Jane the Air Mage
Setting: Fantasy

ST: 10 [0]; DX: 10 [0]; IQ: 12 [20]; HT: 10 [0]

Advantages: Magery 3 (Air college only) [22]; Semi-Literacy [5]

Disadvantages: Severe Phobia (Enclosed spaces) [-30]; Short Attention Span [-10]

Skills: Boating-10 [2]; Merchant-12 [2]; Navigation-12 [2]; Spell Throwing (Lightning)-11 [2]; Staff-9 [2]

Spells: (all at level 13 with 1 point): Purify Air; Create Air; Shape Air; Predict Weather; Walk On Air; Body Of Air; Lightning; Windstorm

Gear: Work clothes, staff, 3-point powerstone

Notes: This NPC is an "emergency backup" during digging; if there is a cave in, she can refresh the air the other miners a re trapped with or use Body of Air to escape to the surface to get help. Normally, however, she operates the group's boat to trade for food with local villages.

Jane the Water Mage
Setting: Fantasy

ST: 9 [-10]; DX: 10 [0]; IQ: 13 [30]; HT: 10 [0]

Advantages: Literacy [10]; Magery 2 (Water college only) [16]

Disadvantages: Gregarious [-10]; Impulsiveness [-10]; Severe Phobia (Dogs) [-10]; Voices [-5]; Xenophilia [-5]

Skills: Carpentry-13 [1];  Engineer (Mining)-12 [1]; Geology-13 [2]; Masonry-10 [1];  Prospecting-12 [1]; Spell Throwing (Ice Sphere)-12 [4]; Swimming-11 [2]

Spells: (all level 13 with 1 point): Seek Water; Purify Water; Create Water; Destroy Water; Shape Water; Walk On Water; Ice Sphere

Gear: Work clothes, 3-point powerstone

Notes: This NPC is the second most important miner, as she is able to help out if there is any flooding in the mines.