All characters copyright 2005 by Brandon Cope

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This week's theme is "People you might meet on an airship in a steampunk setting." They are best used on a long trip that has several stops. The characters are also useful in other settings, such as Cliffhangers.

Joe the Airshipman
Setting: Steampunk

ST: 10 [0]; DX: 11 [10]; IQ: 11 [10]; HT: 11 [10]

Advantages: Acute Hearing +2 [4]

Disadvantages: Semi-Literacy [-5]; Sense of Duty (Crew) [-5]; Stuttering [-10]; Ugly [-10]

Skills: Airshipman-13 [8]; Brawling-12 [2]; Climbing-12 [4]; Mechanic (Airship)-12 [4]; Navigation-9 [1]; Piloting (Lighter-than-air)-10 [1]

Languages: English-11 [0]; German-9 [1/2]; French-9 [1/2]

Gear: Coveralls, boots, toolbelt

Notes: This NPC is a reasonably skilled crewman on an airship, with a little skill at flying one.

Jane the Noblewoman
Setting: Steampunk

ST: 9 [-10]; DX: 10 [0]; IQ: 12 [20]; HT: 10 [0]

Advantages: Independant Income [5]; Status +3 [15]

Disadvantages: Laziness [-10]; Lecherousness [-15]; Social Stigma (Woman) [-5]

Skills: Acting-13 [4]; Carousing-11 [4]; Guns (Rifle)-12* [1]; Fast Talk-11 [1]; Literature-11 [2]; Riding (Horse)-9 [1]; Savoir-Faire-13 [2]; Sex Appeal-12 [6]; Singing-11 [2]

* Includes +2 for IQ 12

Languages: English-12 [0]; French-11 [1]; Spanish-11 [1]

Gear: Fine dress (but a few years old)

Notes: This NPC is a minor noblewoman, who, due to hard times, lacks the finances to match her status and has taken to less than noble means of making up the difference.

Joe the Manservant
Setting: Steampunk

ST: 10 [0]; DX: 10 [0]; IQ: 12 [20]; HT: 10 [0]

Advantages: Fit [5]

Disadvantages: Duty (12 or less) [-5]; Odious Personal Habit (Sarcastic) [-5]; Sense of Duty (to master) [-5]; Struggling [-10]

Skills: Animal Handling-10 [1]; Cooking-12 [1]; Diplomacy-11 [2]; First Aid-12 [1]; Gambling-12 [2]; Guns (Rifle)-13* [2]; Guns (Shotgun)-12* [1]; Riding (Horse)-11 [4]; Savoir-Faire (Military)-14 [2]; Savoir-Faire (Servant)-14 [2]; Scrounging-13 [2]; Survival (Jungle)-12 [2]; Survival (Mountains)-12 [2]

* Includes +2 for IQ 12.

Languages: English-12 [0]; German-10 [1/2]; Russian-10 [1/2]

Gear: Outdoor clothes or cheap suit

Notes: This NPC is the personal servant of an explorer (the NPC may be ex-military, if the GM desires).