All characters copyright 2004 by Brandon Cope

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Joe the Pirate
Setting: 17th and 18th century

ST: 11 [10]; DX: 12 [20]; IQ: 10 [0]; HT: 10 [0]

Parry: 8 (sabre); Dodge: 5

Advantages: Disease-Resistant [5]

Disadvantages: Overconfident [-10]; Reputation -2 (Pirate) [-10]; Social Stigma (Outlaw) [-10]; Struggling [-10]

Skills: Area Knowledge (Carribean)-10 [1]; Black Powder Weapon-13 [1]; Brawling-12 [2];  Carousing-10 [2]; Climbing-12 [2]; Fencing-13 [4]; First Aid-10 [1]; Gambling-10 [2]; Intimidation-10 [2]; Knife-12 [1]; Sailor-10 [2]; Seamanship-12 [6]; Streetwise-10 [2]; Swimming-12 [2];

Gear: Saber (1d imp, 1d+1 cut, Parry 8); Flintlock pistol (2d-1 cr, Acc 1, 1/2 Dam 75); Large Knife (1d-1 imp, 1d-1 cut, Parry 5); Cheap jewelry; Flashy (cheap) clothes

Notes: This represents a swashbuckling-type pirate of rather mediocre ability. While he isn't much of a threat to a PC swordsman, he could be a dangert to non-combat NPCs. For a 16th century pirate, change his weapon to a wheellock.

Jane the Mad Bomber
Setting: Modern Day

ST: 9 [-10]; DX: 10 [0]; IQ: 13 [30]; HT: 10 [0]

Advantages: Hard to Kill +2 [10]; Manual Dexterity +2 [6]

Disadvantages: Callous [-6]; Hard of Hearing [-10]; Loner [-5]; Lunacy [-10]; Phobia (Cats) [-5]

Skills: Acting-12 [1]; Architecture-12 [1]; Demolition-15 [6]; Disguise-12 [1];  Fast-Talk-12 [1]; Guns (Pistol)-12 [1]; Intelligence Analysis-11 [1]; Lip Reading-13 [2]; Lockpicking-12 [1]; Scrounging-13 [1]; Streetwise-13 [2]; Traps-15 [6]

Languages: Native-13 [0]; Language (M/A foreign)-12 [1]

Gear: Assorted explosives and timers, tool kit, .380 ACP pistol, normal clothes

Notes: This NPC is a somewhat unbalanced demolition expert, working alone, with terrorists, or for truly desperate PCs. Disadvantages representing other kinds of mental instability are possible.